
Are Bananas good for Diabetics?

Are you looking for insight on how eating bananas affects the sugar levels of diabetics? Explore this article and discover "Are bananas good for diabetics?".

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Diabetic patients must take good care of their health. They must take regular care as much as possible. Good blood sugar levels can help. You prevent various other health issues because of diabetic complications. Moreover, many doctors suggest "not taking bananas to diabetic patients." It is because many people wonder if "Are bananas good for diabetics? and frequently ask how much or how often they should eat bananas. Although there should be a range or limit, instead of going deep into the things, doctors generally refuse diabetic patients to eat bananas so that they do not develop any dangerous complications.

Can a person with diabetes eat bananas?

No statement in any medical situation doesn't come with ifs and buts. Although banana is just like other fruits containing sugar, carbohydrate, and other vitamins and minerals, it is harmful to diabetic patients. But, comparing fruit with other processed foods, it is rich in potassium, minerals, calcium, and other nutrient perks. If you wonder, Are bananas good for diabetics? The answer should be "yes," but it comes with various conditions. Let us look at the things you should consider before eating bananas.

#1. The ripeness of the banana -

The number of carbohydrates and sugar in bananas varies with ripeness. A fully ripened banana contains less resistant starch, which acts like fiber. They also have a higher glycemic index known to increase the blood sugar level in any person (either diabetic or non-diabetic, which is why the doctors suggest not taking any bananas while they have diabetes). On the other hand, green bananas contain more resistant starch that helps manage blood sugar levels. Such bananas help maintain the health of the gut and improve metabolic reactions. So, if someone asks you whether or not one should eat bananas while being diabetic, the answer is yes. You can eat bananas while making new dishes like chips and vegetables.

#2. Portion control

It is obvious the larger the bananas; the larger will be the consumption of sugar. It means you must account for the sugar and carbohydrate intake throughout the day. Also Read: 14 Effective Home Remedies For Diabetes

#3. Maintain the timings or Eat them at intervals

Try not to eat the complete portion of a banana in one go. This can increase the immediate level of your sugar. If you want to enjoy eating, you can mark the duration and let the blood sugar level be under control.

#4. Pair them with other foods

When you eat bananas, the body immediately absorbs the nutrients from them. You can pair them with other foods to slow down the immediate absorption. You can combine or eat them with a combination or mix of fruits and oats.

#5. Sensitivity of the body

Although you should have a controlled intake of bananas, you must know the number of bananas you can intake in one day. The sugar in bananas can react with your body and may release different complex factors depending on the size or the type of banana you are taking. When you are looking to eat bananas (including ripe or unripe), consider the intake, especially when you are diabetic. Also, Read Signs That You May Have Diabetes - Early signs of diabetes.

What is the correlation between the myth of eating bananas and its effect on people with high blood sugar levels?

Are bananas good for diabetics? You can say yes unless you know the quality, quantity, and type of banana you consume. If you compare the nutrients, the large portion of nutritional value contained in bananas is carbohydrates- which is the known nutrient to increase the blood sugar level in the human body. Your body starts producing insulin when you consume carbohydrates, especially when you are not diabetic. The medium size banana consists of 27 grams of relatively high carbohydrates. A single banana consists of around 3 grams of dietary fiber. Fibers are the essential nutrients that help slow down carbohydrate absorption. In turn, it reduces the blood spike and the overall consumption of blood sugar levels and management in the human body. Therefore, before you know why your doctor suggests you not take bananas during your snack time, you can assume your carbohydrate level in your blood, the glycemic index, and the glycemic load.

What are certain countable health benefits of eating bananas for diabetic patients?

1. Control Blood pressure - 

Control Blood pressure A single banana helps to provide at least 9% of potassium intake. Potassium is a healthy nutritional value that helps maintain blood pressure and reduce the body's strain on the cardiovascular system.

2. Prevent Asthma -

Prevent Asthma Bananas help to prevent wheezing in children with asthma. It consists of a good amount of potassium and antioxidant compounds that help maintain good health.

3. Reduce the risk of Cancer -

There is a protein that is found in bananas called lectin. This particular protein helps to prevent the growth of leukemia cells. Lectin is a good antioxidant that helps to remove the free radicals present in the body. It is the potential role of bananas that helps to treat cancer-causing cells.

4. Improved Heart Health -

Bananas consist of fiber, potassium, folate, and other antioxidants such as vitamin C- all known to have a good effect on the heart. Banas lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and help to maintain a low-fiber diet.

5.  Manage Diabetes -

As per the international standards of the medical association, it is recommended to eat bananas even if you have diabetes but in a controlled amount. It is because fruits contain fiber and help lower blood sugar levels. Eating fiber helps maintain the risk of type 2 diabetes and lowers the blood sugar levels of those already diseased. Read Also: Is Papaya good for diabetes?

6. Retains memory and increases mood level -

Bananas consist of tryptophan, an amino acid known to prevent memory loss in human beings. The fruits help in learning, increasing the power to grasp things, regulate mood, or satisfy your hunger. Also, Read How to Whiten Teeth with Banana Peel.

Is there any risk or complications because of eating bananas?

You should take good care if you are addicted to taking bananas after a short duration of time. Bananas are also known to negatively impact health, especially under certain countable conditions. These conditions are-
  • Beta-blockers: these are present in medicines for people suffering from cardiovascular issues. Beta-blockers are known to increase the number of potassium levels in the blood. If you consume anything in too much amount, it will surely affect you in a bad or negative direction. This is where the potassium-rich bananas start affecting your kidneys if you consume them in high amounts.
  • Allergy: Bananas are also known to increase the allergy level if they are not suitable for consumption. It can lead to itching, wheezing, hives, or difficulty breathing. It can be life-threatening and lead to other severe conditions like anaphylaxis.
  • Migraine: Bananas can also trigger migraine if your body is not suitable for adding a good consumption of potassium into it.

Conclusion -

Now that you know the answer to Are bananas good or bad for diabetics? It would help if you did not ask the question repeatedly, even from your doctors. But, if your doctor prescribes you not to take bananas because of your high level of sugar, then you should strictly avoid consuming them. Moreover, if you have diabetes, it is still possible that you can enjoy bananas as a healthy part of your healthy life. You can follow the following tips on how you should consume bananas even if you are diabetic:
  • Watch your portion size: try to eat bananas in small potions if you have a large sugar level.
  • Choose a firm and half-ripped banana: This will help you cope with the immediate sugar or potassium level rise in your blood.
  • Try to spread the food intake throughout the day. It means you should not take bananas all during one snack or meal. Try to segregate your meals throughout the day.
  • You can eat bananas with other food also. You can combine or mix them with honey and nuts, which can help slow down the digestion or absorption of sugar levels in your blood.
Also, Read MCHC Blood Test Low - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. Try to monitor the level or the amount of food you are intake. The choice of food and the amount of food can greatly impact your health. It can also affect how your blood sugar levels rise or lower between meals.
Categorized into General Health, Diabetes