If you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are probably suffering from piles or hemorrhoids. And you are reading this hoping to find out the best piles treatment Bangalore. You have reached the right place, as this article talks in detail about everything you need to know about piles including it's treatment.
About piles
Piles or hemorrhoids are inflamed tissues consisting of blood vessels, muscles, elastic fibers, etc., that are present inside the anus (internal piles) or in and around the anus (external piles). We all have these soft elastic tissues in our anus that help in our bowel movements. However, they do not cause any problems and we are not aware of their presence unless they are inflamed and cause symptoms like pain, itchiness, swelling, bleeding, burning sensation, etc. These swollen tissues lose their elasticity and may prolapse and protrude out of the anus and cause severe pain and bleeding.Almost 50% of the adult population has piles. Lifestyle changes like eating fibrous foods, exercises, drinking plenty of water, etc. can improve piles symptoms in patients.Internal piles are generally painless and you may notice bright red blood during bowel movements. External piles, on the other hand, are more severe and painful compared to internal piles. What do piles look like?Internal piles that develop inside the rectum are not visible to the external eye, neither, they can be felt by our fingers. However, in grade III and IV internal piles, the tissues that protrude out of the anus may appear like rubbery lumps hanging from the anal opening.External piles develop around the opening of your anus and are pinkish soft cushions of lumps that can be felt with your fingers.Types of piles
Piles are of four types - internal, external, mixed, and thrombosed.
Internal piles
They develop inside the rectum and are generally asymptomatic. However, you may start noticing them once they start bleeding. Internal piles can bleed after every bowel movement and you may notice bright red blood in the stool. They are usually painless and are not so severe as external piles. Internal piles retract on their own or with a gentle push of the finger. In internal piles, we generally do not feel the pain because pain receptors are not present deep inside the rectum. Internal piles occur 2-4 cm above the opening of the anus.However, in the case of prolapsed internal piles, the hemorrhoidal tissues protrude out of the anus but generally retract on their own. In severe prolapsed internal piles, you may notice pinkish mass protruding out of the anus that does not retract on its own and can be very painful and itchy. Based on their symptoms internal piles can be divided into four stages:- Grade I - Here the inflammations occur inside the rectum and are generally asymptomatic.
- Grade II - The inflammations in grade II internal piles are bigger in size than grade I. The piles may protrude out of the anus during bowel movements but retract on their own without any help from outside.
- Grade III - These are also known as prolapsed piles. Here people may notice soft bulges of tissue hanging out of the anus that does not retract on their own but can be inserted back with the gentle push of the finger.
- Grade IV - This is the most severe internal or prolapsed piles. Here, the bulging mass of tissue does not retract even with the aid of the finger. They remain hanging outside the anus. These soft tissue lumps can be extremely painful accompanied by blood clots.
External piles
External piles as the name suggests always do not occur outside. They may develop inside the anal opening and are not visible outside. External piles that occur in and around the anus and appear as soft bluish or purplish lumps of tissues are often confused with prolapsed internal piles. Here, we should remember that most external piles do not bleed as internal piles. In external piles, you may notice slight bleeding on the surface of your stools but it is quite different from internal piles where you may notice visibly large amounts of blood oozing out during bowel movements. So, people suffering from external piles who complain about bleeding may also have internal piles. External piles are also much more painful than internal piles. People with external piles complain of throbbing pain, burning, and itching sensation in their rectal area. External piles can also be easily felt by the tip of your finger. If you examine the anal opening with your finger, you will notice soft bulges of tissues. These are external piles. External piles are more common and require immediate medical consultation due to the severity of their symptoms.Mixed piles
They are a combination of internal and external piles. People suffering from external piles who complain of bleeding during bowel movements most often have internal piles as well.Thrombosed piles
Thrombosed piles occur when the patient develops blood clots or thrombosis that prevents the easy flow of blood and causes inflammation in the veins. They are very painful and people can feel bluish or purplish lumps of tissue in and around their anus.Best piles treatment options in Bangalore
Internal piles sometimes resolve on their own and simple home remedies and over-the-counter medications and ointments can relieve the symptoms. External piles are more severe and may require medical consultation. Now that we know about piles, let us talk about the different treatment options.- Home Treatments - Piles, that are not so severe generally go away on their own. Certain home remedies can provide easy relief from the symptoms and help to treat piles from the comfort of your home. Let us now look into some of the easy home remedies to treat piles.
- Warm baths - Warm baths can be extremely helpful for soothing pain caused by piles. You can add some Epsom salt to the water and sit on the water for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the process two to three times a day for maximum results. Epsom salts soothe the irritation, reduce swelling, and increase blood flow. Sitz bathtubs made of plastic are also available in drug stores. They can be placed over the toilet seats and people can sit on them and relax. It is best not to overfill the bathtubs with water. Only fill water to cover the bottom of your body for maximum relief.
- Wet wipes - When you are bleeding or have developed external piles, it is best to avoid harsh toilet papers. They can cause scarring and further aggravate the condition. Wet soothing wipes that are alcohol-free can be used to wipe the anal area. Some of these wet wipes are medicated with aloe vera gel, anti-piles ointments, and witch hazel which can provide further relief to the condition.
- Aloe vera gel - We all know the various benefits of aloe vera gel and how soothing it is for our skin. Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied to the area for relief of pain, itching, and swelling. However, if you are allergic to aloe vera, it is best to avoid this gel. However, if you are not sure, you can also apply a small portion of the gel into your upper arm and wait for at least 24-48 hours to check for any allergic reaction.
- Witch hazel - This is a natural product that acts like an astringent and can shrink the pile's tissues. They can also provide relief from itching and inflammation. Many people dip a cotton ball in witch hazel solution and apply it directly to the area for relief. However, applying directly can cause irritation. So, it is best not to apply it directly. Also, do not mix it will alcohol as it can irritate the skin.
- Coconut oil - Coconut oil is very soothing for the skin and reduces inflammation, irritation, and itching. You can dab a soft cotton ball in some coconut oil and apply it to the area. It will moisturize the area and helps to reduce the propensity to scratch the dry area.
- Ice compresses - Ice packs can be used to reduce inflammation and pain in the piles' area. However, do not apply an ice pack directly to the area. Rap the ice pack with a soft towel and compress the area for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat the process after one to two hours.
- Stool softeners - Over-the-counter stool softeners like psyllium husks contain natural ingredients that can add roughage, soften your stools, and improve bowel movements. Stool softeners are available in powder forms, liquid, and pills.
- Petroleum jelly - They are easily available in medical and general stores. The application of petroleum jelly to the affected area can soothe the skin, reduce irritation, and swelling.
Lifestyle changes
Loose cotton underwear - Avoid synthetic underwear. Wear loose breathable cotton underwear to avoid irritation to your skin. Keep yourself clean - Bathe regularly and keep your private parts clean. Keep your anal area clean and dry to prevent infections.Eat fiber-rich foods - Eat foods that are rich in fiber, easy to digest, and helps in bowel movements. Avoid fast foods and processed food items. In a city like Bangalore, where life is fast and you are always on the move, it is tempting to choose comfort over health and grab a quick bite. But such habits are not good for your gut.Drink enough water - Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water. Keep your body hydrated. Constipation is a major cause of piles. Drinking enough water can reduce constipation and help in the proper passing of stools.Exercise regularly - Do light exercises on a regular basis. Go for walks, cycling, or swimming. Keep your body fit. Bangalore is famed for the number of green parks it has. So use them and get your walk in nature.Change bathroom habits - Avoid spending too much time in the toilet. If you are constipated, do not sit on the toilet seat for too long. Do not strain during your bowel movements as it can cause piles. Only go to the loo when you feel the pressure or urge. If you are too constipated, you can defecate using the squatting position. This is an easy way to clear your bowels without putting too much pressure on your rectal muscles.Avoid scented soaps and toilet papers - Perfumed soaps can cause skin irritation and may be harmful to piles. Use gentle soaps for your skin. Do not use rough toilet paper. Use soft and alcohol-free wet wipes. You can buy wipes from medical stores that are used for piles.Also read: 7 Natural Ways to Sleep Better for Healthy LifestyleTreat piles with Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment is considered to have originated in India and mainly focuses on holistic treatment or treatment of the whole body. Ayurvedic medication considers that there are three doshas in our body - air (vata), fire (pitta), and water (kapha). A practitioner will identify your dosha and its characteristics and treat it accordingly. There are many Ayurvedic treatments in Bangalore. They consist of herbal medications along with some lifestyle changes and in some cases can use some minimally-invasive procedures to treat the symptoms. Ayurvedic treatment can be of the following types:Bhaishajya chikitsa or medication - Here only medication is used to treat the symptoms.Kshara or herbal ointment - Here the practitioner uses a slit proctoscope to apply a herbal paste that can cauterize the hemorrhoids and obstruct the bleeding.Sastra chikitsa or surgery - This is a procedure where the practitioner uses Kshara sutra or a medicated thread which is used to bind the hemorrhoidal tissues which then shrinks and detaches from the base.Agnikarma or cauterization - This treatment uses heat to cauterize the hemorrhoids.Homeopathy for piles
There has been a lot of debate and controversy regarding the use of homeopathy as an alternate treatment for diseases. However, many believe that homeopathy can effectively and permanently cure piles without the intervention of allopathic medicines and invasive procedures. Homeopathic treatment focuses on the root cause of piles and is believed to be more successful in treating acute or severe cases of piles. Many homeopathic doctors in Bangalore believe that homeopathy is the best remedy to control bleeding within 24 hours. Homeopathic medicines generally used in the treatment of piles include Nux vom, lycopodium, Bryonia, Sulphur, Aesculus, Anacardium, etc. Besides medications, homeopathic treatment gives a lot of emphasis on lifestyle changes and following a healthy regime and diet. These medicines are easily available in Bangalore.- Medications - Apart from home remedies, doctors may also prescribe certain medications, suppositories, and ointments for treating piles. Over-the-counter medications like hydrocortisone, witch hazel, lidocaine, etc. can be applied for relief. Doctors may also prescribe certain NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for reducing swelling and pain for piles. These medicines can be purchased online or offline from many pharmacies in Bangalore.
- Procedures - If your symptoms are getting worse, you may have to undergo certain procedures for the treatment of piles. Doctors usually try to resolve the problem with home remedies, lifestyle changes, medications, and ointments. However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, there are certain procedures to treat piles. Bangalore offers many qualified doctors to perform such procedures. Let us now look into some of the procedures.
Rubber band ligation
In this procedure, the doctor will insert an anoscope into the anus to get hold of the piles. The instrument then ties the base of the hemorrhoidal tissues with a rubber band and obstructs the blood flow. As the hemorrhoidal tissues do not get the blood supply, they will eventually shrink and fall off. A scar will form in the area. This is normally done to treat internal prolapsed piles. If the rubber band feels too tight and is painful, the doctor will inject a numbing injection to numb the pile's area. Post-operation, you may feel slight pain and fullness in the area. The treatment is done on an outpatient basis at the doctor's chamber and is generally done to treat one or two piles. If there is a need to treat multiple piles, the doctor may apply general anesthesia. The process may take only a few minutes, however, may take more time in case of multiple piles banding. Patients may experience slight bleeding after a week or 10 days after the procedure when the hemorrhoids fall off. Patients may resume normal work immediately after the surgery if there are no side effects. However, strenuous activities must be avoided.Submucosal electrocoagulation (SEC)
This is done to treat prolapsed piles. The procedure uses a needle-like electric knife to resect piles and skin tags. Scar tissue will be formed and the blood supply to the pile tissues will be cut off. This is a painless procedure with minimal complications. Infrared photocoagulation - This is also known as coagulation therapy and is done to treat internal piles. The procedure uses infrared light to cut off blood supply to the piles and scar tissues are formed. Patients may feel some heat and mild pain during the procedure. Only one hemorrhoid can be treated during this procedure. The same procedure can be done to treat other hemorrhoids at an interval of 10-15 days. If you are visiting Bangalore for this treatment, you will need to plan your trip accordingly.Sclerotherapy - This is done on an outpatient basis in many doctor's chambers or hospitals in Bangalore. It is mainly done to treat grade 1 or 2 piles symptoms. A short tube called a proctoscope with a camera and a LED light is inserted into the anus to view the anal cavity. The doctor then injects a solution containing medications like polidocanol, quinine, zinc chloride, etc. to the hemorrhoids. The medicine then disrupts the blood vessels and obstructs blood supply to shrink the hemorrhoids. The procedure has to be repeated several times to treat piles. Patients may feel pain, irritation, and fullness in the anal area.DG-HAL or Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation - This procedure is mainly done in grade 2 and 3 piles and consists of ligation of the superior rectal artery branches and detach the blood supply to the veins.Hemorrhoidectomy - This is a more invasive procedure and is done under anesthesia. Depending on the condition and choice of the doctor as well as the patient, the doctor may decide on the type of anesthesia. This procedure is used mainly to treat external piles as well as prolapsed internal piles. This is a more traditional surgery where the doctor will use a scalpel or a laser to cut off the hemorrhoids. This is a more invasive procedure and is usually done when other treatments have failed to treat the condition. Patients may have to stay in the hospital for rest after the procedure. Recovery may take 5 to 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous activities after the procedure. Stapling - Also known as hemorrhoidopexy is a procedure done to treat prolapsed piles and is done under anesthesia. The procedure cuts the flow of blood to the hemorrhoidal tissues and puts them back inside the rectum where they will be reabsorbed by the body. Recovery is faster and the procedure is less painful compared to a hemorrhoidectomy.Cryosurgery - This procedure is used to treat both prolapsed internal and external piles. The procedure is done under local anesthesia. A cryoprobe along with liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the area of piles. The doctor may ligate or tie up the hemorrhoids before applying the procedure. The hemorrhoids will shrink in size within a few weeks.LHP or laser hemorrhoidoplasty - This is a minimally invasive procedure and is done on an outpatient basis. This procedure cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal veins and treats the condition.Why choose laser hemorrhoidoplasty over conventional hemorrhoidectomy?
Nowadays many patients in Bangalore prefer laser surgery over hemorrhoidectomy as the latter is far more invasive and patients need more time to recover. Benefits of laser surgery include:- Less invasive procedure
- Minimal pain after the surgery
- No hospitalization is needed
- Safer than conventional surgery
- Minimal bleeding post-surgery
- More successful
- Fewer complications
- Faster recovery
- Less time consuming
- No need for general anesthesia
After piles surgery, some patients may experience pain or bleeding from the site. Staying hydrated, eating plenty of fiber-rich diets, and adequate rest is essential for complete healing. Doctors also prescribe stool softeners to ensure less strenuous bowel movements. These can be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy in Bangalore. Patients must avoid strenuous activities and exercises immediately after the surgery or as directed by the surgeon. Some patients take warm baths to ease the discomfort after the surgery. Full recovery post-surgery may take weeks or a few days depending on the type of the surgery and the severity of the condition. Doctors recommend simple lifestyle changes and diet modifications for long-term treatment, prevention, and recurrence of the disease.If you are looking for the best piles treatment in Bangalore, contact goficure and they will help you consult the right doctor and get advised on the best course of action. If any treatment is required, goficure takes care of it from start to finish and helps you with your complete and quick recovery.Disclaimer: The statements, opinions, and data contained in these publications are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of Credihealth and the editor(s). Categorized into General Health
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