HPV or Human Papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer and discomfort in females. The doctors advise the patient to get a pap test routinely to avoid any other circumstances. There are many studies that have revealed that men are more likely to get infected with HPV as compared to women. Many strains affect men(HPV in men). HPV is usually spread through contact and sexual intimation. It can result in the growth of papillomas which appear on the genitals. These are non-cancerous.
Can a man give a woman HPV?
Many people get confused regarding the HPV. Therefore, we have come up with some myths and facts that every man and woman should know about it.
1. HPV only affects females, not men
Many people do not know the fact that HPV is caused in both men and women. This is true that HPV causes cancer, that may inflame the tonsils, tongue, anus, and male genitals. These are some of the rarest. If men notice any signs of HPV, doctor consultation is necessary to avoid complications.
Also Read: How do a married women get HPV?
2. Physical barriers prevent HPV
Physical barriers can be a good solution for preventing HPV infections, even from oral activities as well. Additionally, dental dam, or female barrier methods are useful. However, HPV needs to be transmitted to the partner. This is because all areas would not be able to cover.
3. Men don't need HPV vaccination
Vaccination is the most crucial thing to get. As we can see vaccinations helps against throat cancer. Throat cancer is entirely preventable by vaccination. It is said that the vaccine is recommended for 9 to 26 years of age. Usually, people get vaccinated before the age of 15.
Many patients ask the doctor, "Does their son need a vaccination". According to some experts, they say they cannot control their son's sexual partners. Therefore, the risk of HPV infection becomes higher.
4. HPV infections are not serious in men
HPV infection can lead to cancer in men. This might require surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Throat surgery is used for treating cancer which makes patients speaking difficult. Additionally, penile cancer will remove complete penile cancer. It affects the ability to urinate or engage in sexual activity.
5. A man cannot give a woman HPV
This is a complete myth that men cannot transmit HPV to women. It can be intimated through skin-to-skin contact. Even that, the genital warts also get transmitted through semen. Therefore, it is completely untrue that men are not responsible for women.
How can a man get HPV?
The sexual history of having vaginal, anal, or oral sex. It spreads through skin-to-skin contact. It can spread through with the other person. If you are sexually active, this is men and women both get affected. Therefore, men must be extra conscious about having HPV.
Also Read: How long does HPV take to show up in females?
What are the symptoms of HPV in men?
If a man experiences some symptoms of HPV, you need to be more cautious because it might affect you. There are some symptoms that you need to monitor are given in the following.
Unusual growths
Diagnostic Test for HPV in Men
Yet, there is no diagnostic test for men. However, they can go for screening tests. Some organizations only suggest doctor visitation after the appearance of symptoms. If you see any of the symptoms, always consult a doctor for the right advice.
How can a man lower the chance of HPV?
There are two ways that men can lower the risk of HPV given in the following
It is extremely effective and protects against warts and cancer even after interacting with an infected partner. Three vaccines are used that are Gardasil 9, 9vHPV, Gardasil, 4vHPV, Cervarix, 2vHPV.
Use the right physical barriers to avoid direct contact with your partner. For instance condoms, dental dams, female condoms, and many more. However, physical barriers are not the permanent solution.
My partner has genital warts. Will I get it?
You might be concerned about getting genital warts if your partner has. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main sexually transmitted infection (STI) that causes genital warts. HPV may infect anyone who has had intercourse. However, many HPV carriers never experience any symptoms. By having intercourse with someone who has the virus, even if they don't show any symptoms, you might get genital warts.
It's a good idea to educate yourself on the effects of HPV and how to avoid infection in order to put your mind at ease and enable you to enjoy a healthy sexual life.
Also Read: Are genital warts curable?
How are genital warts or HPV spread?
Genital warts are tiny, fleshy growths or lumps that can appear on the genitalia, the anus, or the upper thighs. Although they may not hurt, some individuals find them to be unpleasant, itchy, and prone to inflammation. Because the HPV virus dwells on the skin, it is so widespread. This implies that skin-to-skin contact is the only way to contract it. Any gender can transmit HPV to a sexual relationship. Both males and women can contract it, and vice versa.
The HPV vaccination program has made it probable that in the next years, the virus will be less common among younger women who had the shot in school. guys who have intercourse with other guys may typically be higher at risk of HPV transmission since fewer men and boys have had the vaccination. Nearly all unvaccinated sexually active individuals get the sexually transmitted virus HPV at some time in their lives. In certain people, an HPV infection might result in genital warts.
It's possible for your partner to transmit HPV or genital warts to you, particularly when you engage in unprotected intercourse. However, obtaining the HPV vaccine and engaging in safer sex with barriers can reduce your risk of infection.
Also Read: How do a married women get HPV

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