Today, having health insurance is nothing less than a basic necessity. The right health plan would ensure that you receive the much-needed financial aid as well as peace of mind in case of a medical emergency. You also need to keep in mind that while having an insurance plan is imperative, avoiding diseases is not always possible. Despite being careful, sometimes we can fall prey to illnesses and diseases. Timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial when it comes to diseases that affect the main organs of the body. The human liver is one of them. Situated in the upper right part of the abdomen, the liver performs a number of functions. A liver disease, therefore, can lead to a number of complexities and hamper everyday life. In most cases, people do not notice any distinct symptoms in the early stages, which can further worsen the health of the liver. There are a number of complications that can arise in the liver, and most of them progress in stages. Cirrhosis is a disease that involves severe scarring of the liver. It typically occurs in the late stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver. The build-up of excess fat in the liver can cause fatty liver disease. Cirrhosis includes irreversible conditions such as fibrous thickening of tissues and degeneration of cells and inflammation. When untreated for long, it can lead to liver failure. In most cases, your regular or indemnity-based health insurance policy would cover illnesses of the liver such as Cirrhosis. But at the same time, you need to be aware of the symptoms so that you can catch the disease in the right stages. Let us discuss the signs on your hands that indicate advanced fatty liver disease.
Symptom #1: Nail Abnormalities
Symptom #2: Finger Clubbing
Symptom #3: Redness in the Palms
Liver illnesses can sometimes be hereditary, but in many cases, it can be due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Drinking alcohol is a major reason for liver problems. If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, consulting a doctor should no longer be postponed. When your liver issues are resolved, the majority of the associated abnormalities would also go away. Make sure you get in touch with your doctor right away. A timely diagnosis can be very helpful in designing the right course of treatment. It is also recommended that you discuss any such health conditions with your health/ medical insurance provider. Categorized into General Health

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