
Do Eyelashes Grow Back? How To Help Regrow Them

Do eyelashes grow back after they fall out? they explore the science behind eyelash growth and share tips to help you regrow your lashes.

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Wishing on fallen eyelashes is a common custom among many, dating back to the 19th century. While an occasional stray eyelash may seem a boon, frequently falling lashes can be a cause of concern and, at times, an early sign of a disorder. Similar to the hair on your head,  Eyelashes grow back, just like the hair on the head.  Whether "Do Eyelashes Grow Back after chemotherapy" is a common concern among cancer patients. The growth cycle of eyelashes is about 3-4 months, which is shorter than the growth cycle of hair on the scalp. However, various factors such as age, genetics, and certain medical conditions can impact the regrowth and thickness of eyelashes. Additionally, certain behaviors such as excessive eyelash pulling or eyelash extensions, can cause damage and slow the growth of eyelashes.

What is the Natural cycle of an eyelash?

The natural growth cycle of an eyelash is made up of three phases:

  • Anagen phase -

This is the active growth phase of the eyelash. During this phase, the eyelash grows and can reach its full length. This phase typically lasts for around 30-45 days.

  • Catagen phase -

This is the transitional phase of the eyelash growth cycle. During this phase, the eyelash stops growing, and the hair follicle begins to shrink. This phase typically lasts for around 2-3 weeks.

  • Telogen phase -

This is the resting phase of the eyelash growth cycle. During this phase, the eyelash is not growing and is eventually shed. This phase typically lasts for around 4-12 weeks. After the telogen phase, the hair follicle re-enters the anagen phase, and a new eyelash begins to grow. The entire growth cycle can take around 3-4 months. It's also worth noting that not all eyelashes will simultaneously be at the same stage of the growth cycle. 

What Causes falling eyelashes?

There are several potential causes for falling eyelashes, including:

  • Alopecia - 

 This autoimmune disease causes the body to attack its hair follicles, which results in hair loss on the body, and at times the face, including the eyelashes. In general, treatment includes topical medications or corticosteroid injections. 

  • Thyroid disorder -

Thyroid dysfunction, whether it be an overproduction of hormones (hyperthyroidism) or an underproduction of hormones (hypothyroidism), can cause hair loss, including loss of eyelashes. Treatment for a thyroid disorder depends on the type of thyroid disorder, including medication or surgery. 

  • Irritation from makeup -

Inflammation from makeup is a general cause among many people for a considerable amount of eyelash loss, which can usually result from makeup glue or mascara. Irritation due to an allergic reaction can be the reason for eyelashes to fall out. Rigorous rubbing or scratching of itchy eyes irritated from makeup can also cause eyelash loss.  Also, Read What are the best eye vitamins for blurry vision?

  • Eye infections -

 Eye infections such as blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, or conjunctivitis can cause eyelashes to fall out. There is no cure for this condition, but treatments such as applying a warm compress or using eye drops are known to ease symptoms. 

  • Eyelash extensions -

Excessive use of eyelash extensions or improper application can cause eyelashes to fall out.

  • Aging -

As we age, hair growth can slow down, and hair can become thinner, including eyelashes. Other causes include inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma; chronic stress; nutritional deficiencies and hormone changes resulting from menopause and chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Do eyelashes grow back?

Yes, eyelashes can grow back. The growth cycle of eyelashes is about 3-4 months or 90 days which is shorter than the growth cycle of hair on the scalp.  However, many times regrowth of eyelashes may vary depending on factors such as age, genetics, and certain medical conditions. Additionally, certain behaviors, such as excessive eyelash pulling or the use of eyelash extensions, can cause damage and slow the growth of eyelashes. But with proper care and maintenance, eyelashes can grow back. Also, Read 13 Healthy Eyesight Tips.

Treatments and tips for eyelash growth -

Some several treatments and tips can help promote eyelash growth:

  • Eyelid Hygiene -

 Remove your eye makeup every night with wipes, liquid, or cream followed by massaging the lids with a mild cleanser like Cetaphil or baby shampoo before rinsing with hot water. This simple routine can boost eyelash growth and prevent the follicles from falling out before time.

  • Hot Compresses - 

Warm washcloths placed over the eyes can help clean your lids and soothe any irritation. A clean cloth dipped in lukewarm water does the trick.

  • Latisse -

According to Dr. Andreoli, prescription therapy is safe and works more effectively than most people believe. (She herself has used it!) Within eight to twelve weeks, patients can observe a significant improvement. It can also aid chemotherapy patients who are experiencing lash loss.

  • Olive Oil -

The original oil can be used to treat entirely falling-out eyelashes. Olive oil promotes hair development and stops eyelashes from falling out. Every day, you should massage olive oil onto your eyelash line and your eyelashes themselves. After properly cleaning it, you can use a mascara stick for an even application. To promote hair development, apply some olive oil and let it sit overnight. Repeat this regularly for two to three months for the best results. 

  • Almond Oil -

So when confused about Do Eyelashes Grow Back? Yes, almond oil is an effective solution. Almond oil is another powerful treatment that can stop eyelash shedding. Almond oil has a lot of antioxidants and vitamin E, which can aid in promoting hair development by halting hair loss. Apply almond oil with a mascara stick and allow the action to happen overnight.

  • Lemon Peel -

 Lemon peel can stop eyelash fallout while promoting eyelash development when combined with castor oil or olive oil. To make this solution, combine castor oil and olive oil in equal parts and stir in a piece of dried lemon peel.

  • Petroleum Jelly - Applying petroleum jelly frequently helps promote eyelash growth. You can apply jelly to the lashes with the application stick and let it sit there all night. By keeping the lashes moisturized and reducing dryness, petroleum jelly aids in stopping fallout. Your lashes may appear thicker and heavier than usual due to an increase in moisture.
  • Vitamin E oil - 

The proper consumption of foods high in vitamin E can promote eyelash growth. If not through nutrition, you can readily renew your lashes with the direct use of vitamin E oil. Like other oils, this one requires that you leave it on for the entire night. You should continue this process for a few days to see results.

  • Castor Oil -

Castor oil works just as well for eyelash loss as olive oil. It aids hair follicle renewal, promoting growth and reducing hair loss. Castor oil is widely known for its therapeutic benefits, which further aid in nourishing the skin and hair follicles. Castor oil should be applied to your lashes with a mascara applicator and left on all night. It is advised to consumers to avoid copycat products outside of the doctor's office since it can be challenging to identify the chemicals that make up their active ingredients and forecast how they will behave. A fast-working substitute is lengthening lashes with mascara, which coats hairs with waxes and pigments to make them seem longer, thicker, and darker. There are several options available in the market including ones made up of natural ingredients that do not harm the lashes in the long run. 

Conclusion - 

While eyelashes certainly grow back, factoring in all the reasons, the answer is subjective, varying from individual to individual. Following the tips mentioned above can prolong the life of lashes; while eyelashes follow a cycle of 90 days and fall out naturally at the end, major loss of eyelashes can be a cause of concern, and an appointment with a doctor is recommended.