Many wonder if using hormonal contraceptives leads to weight gain, especially women concerned about how certain pills or devices might affect their appearance.
To bring clarity on a concern among women: Does Birth Control make you gain weight? Research provides mixed results on whether methods like the pill, shot, implant, or IUD directly cause weight gain. The impact varies significantly among individuals because hormones interact differently with each body.
However, the argument is whether birth control for weight gain is relevant or not. Many people still take birth control as their composition helps eliminate pregnancy. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into scientific perspectives, benefits, and risks associated with birth control weight gain, providing you space to make informed choices.
Can Birth Control Pills make you gain weight?
Studies confirm that you can not weigh birth control pills. Earlier doctors never suggested birth control pills, as it could end up in bleeding.
However, you may put up a little bit of weight after taking birth control pills. In addition, it can be considered as a side effect of fluid retention, as one of the temporary side effects. Furthermore, the weight gain is minimal and goes away within 2 to 3 months. Undoubtedly, all pills aren't the same as the consequences.
With extensive research and experiments, doctors did not accept birth control pills for weight gain. However, once you start using a pill give it 3 months for the side effects to pass.
Why does birth control make you fat?
Birth control pills generally help to prevent pregnancy and lower the risk of ovarian cancers. However, it also helps to encourage menstruation.
There are a few reasons why some women gain weight when using hormonal birth control methods like the pill, IUDs, implants or the shot:
- It can increase appetite: In birth control, the hormones (especially progesterone and estrogen imbalance) can stimulate hunger cues. This makes some women feel hungrier, causing them to eat more, resulting in weight gain.
- It may change metabolism:Research shows that estrogen impacts leptin levels. Leptin is the satiety hormone that makes you feel full. Some women become less sensitive to leptin on birth control, meaning their brains do not get the signal that they're full and should stop eating.
- Water retention: Synthetic hormones can influence electrolyte balances and cause sodium and water retention. This shows up temporarily as extra pounds, though it is not increased body fat.
- Fat cell stimulation: Scientists believe female reproductive hormones activate specific receptors like cortisol, triggering fat storage around the thighs, buttocks and hips. So the same hormones that prevent pregnancy tell the body to hang onto fat.
According to NIH, keep in mind oral contraceptives do not necessarily cause weight gain in all women. Others experience no change or even slimming. However, these effects do explain the documented weight increases in some birth control users. Working closely with your doctor helps determine if any metabolic impacts emerge.
How much weight do I gain with Birth control pills?
Broadly, weight gain may vary depending on different brands of pills. However, you may get different hormone doses from each birth control pill. Many users have stated that 4 pounds of weight gain is experienced. Others have complained that no weight gain happened after taking birth control pills.
Make sure you take 1 birth control pill for 28 days (4 weeks). Start taking the new pack right after finishing the old pack. However, if you miss your tablets, pregnancy may come up without any invitation.
Best Birth Control to avoid weight gain
Incorporating Birth Control to avoid weight gain can be an outstanding way to put off some calories. Yet, you should clarify the consequences from a pharmacist.
Let us learn about some best birth controls to avoid weight gain below:
1. Barrier Methods
Although simple, barrier methods can be used to avoid sperm entry into the uterus. It is a physical method in which sperm is blocked to reach the eggs. Further, the technique is not very effective in most cases. The method does not include any hormones, so any apparent changes in weight can not be noticed.
2. Hormonal Birth Control
Hormonal Birth Control makes use of synthetic hormones to delay ovulation. It contains lower levels of estrogen and therefore no significant weight gain occurs with its consumption. These are available in the form of pills, patches, shots, and vaginal rings. Make sure to have this on a regular basis to prevent pregnancy.
Also Read:Nexplanon Hormones Explained: What You Need to Know
3. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception
You may consider implants and intrauterine devices at times. Consult a healthcare professional to insert the same In addition, it is advised to have regular exercises and keep yourself hydrated to have weight moderation after using this birth control means. However, you may either buy its hormonal form or copper IUD. You should know it is safe insertion.
4. Emergency
The right time to use emergency contraceptives is when you have undergone unprotected intercourse. It can be found in the form of a pill, but you can also go for a copper IUD. The study says aerobic exercises for about 30 minutes daily to avoid weight gain that birth control pills can induce. If needed, visit your dietician for this purpose.
What can be the other possible causes of weight gain?
There are numerous reasons for weight gain. It can be due to hormonal issues, existing health conditions, or uncontrolled appetite. Therefore, people should not assume that birth control pills alone can increase your weight.
Let us look into the other possible causes of weight gain:
1. Dietary Changes: Dietary Changes are one of the vital reasons for weight gain. The increase in calorie intake can lead to weight gain and has become the topmost reason for obesity around the world. Visit your doctor to get an idea about daily calorie consumption. Monitoring your food intake can maintain your current weight and help set a weight loss goal for the future.
2. Changes in Metabolism:The doctors claim that your metabolism can be the most significant contributor to increased weight. However, you must take food as per your age otherwise, the metabolism may not go right. Ask your doctor to conduct metabolic blood work to check whether you have any conditions that impact your body's calorie-burning abilities.
3. Routine Changes:There is no denying that you may gain weight more than usual by accepting a sedentary lifestyle. Avoid sitting for a long time to make a difference in weight gain.
4. Changes in Gym:If you are more into weightlifting or muscle-building exercises, your body mass can increase on a particular scale. Your jeans may be as tight as before, but the overall weight may rise.
Many people have unwanted weight gain after consuming birth control pills, and everyone tries to get into home remedies and medications. However, it may not be helpful if you already have any medical condition. You may wonder if you have an adequate lifestyle and diet if you still have increased weight. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult a gynecologist for this purpose.
Stay calm as this happens with everyone. Changes in routine and lifestyle habits have affected our health considerably. It would not be great if you continue taking contraceptive pills without a doctor's prescription. However, if you notice excess weight gain, feel free to contact the health experts of Credihealth.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you gain weight with birth control pills?
Typically, weight gain is temporary with birth control pills.
How many pounds can you get after taking birth control pills?
You may get 4 4-pound weight gain by taking birth control pills.
Which birth control pill causes weight gain?
Depo Provera is one hormonal pill that can cause weight gain.
Does every girl gain weight through weight gain?
A girl with birth control pills can gain slight weight gain, but this is a rare situation.
Can birth control pills change body shape?
Body shape may change through birth control pills.

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