Losing post-pregnancy weight is a top priority for many new moms, but weight loss after giving birth can be a much different process than it was before. Also, nurturing the baby is the priority for moms. Then how to take care of yourself in such a scenario? Dealing with a new body, a new schedule and a new child are all factors that can complicate the post-pregnancy weight loss process, but it's definitely possible to get your pre-pregnancy weight back. In this blog, we have come up with techniques for weight loss postpartum.
One of the most important parts of any post-pregnancy diet plan is staying hydrated, especially if you're breastfeeding. Drink water and not soda or fruit juices that are high in sugar to stay refreshed and alert throughout the day. Staying hydrated can also help speed up your metabolism, leading to easier weight loss after pregnancy.
10 Tips For Weight Loss Postpartum
Here are 10 tips to help you set and achieve realistic weight loss goals after birth:1. Set realistic weight loss goals & expectations
Don't expect nine months of pregnancy weight to disappear the first time you go for a run. Your body changes a lot when you're pregnant so it's unreasonable to expect that you'll immediately get your pre-baby body back. Many moms lose about ten pounds when they give birth and can expect to lose approximately one pound per week once they start a post-pregnancy diet, so use these standards as approximate goals. Therefore, it is crucial to set goals for weight loss after pregnancy.2. Focus on changes you can control
Many people ask how to weight loss after pregnancy? Instead of making major changes in your daily routine, focus on changing small habits you can control. For example, watch your portion size, stock your fridge with healthier foods, and take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible to keep moving and stay healthy.3. Don't crash the diet
Crash dieting is not a safe or healthy way to lose weight for anyone, especially new moms. You should want to lose weight slowly and steadily, without putting any undue stress on yourself or your body. Once you have your baby, you'll need even more nutrients. If you're breastfeeding, focus on eating wholesome, balanced meals that are packed with nutrients.4. Spread out your meals
Weight loss after postpartum could be a complicated task. Don't get all of your nutrients from one meal that you wait to eat until 3 a.m. Spread out your meals over the course of the day and make sure to get an even amount of calories at every meal. Since your sleep schedule will be off, you'll need to be fueled at all times of the day. Include good low-carb snacks, vegetables or hard-boiled eggs, or cheese in your diet.5. Hydrate

6. Forget the fads
There's no easy miracle diet to help you shed your extra baby weight. Commit to following a nutrient-dense diet that will help you lose weight safely and keep it off.7. Packed with protein
Instead of reaching for a slice of bread or rusk when you're hungry, opt for a boiled egg or some chicken strips or if you are vegetarian - go for various legumes, dals, soya bean, and broccoli - the food products that are rich sources of protein. Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels and will keep you fuller for longer. In this way, you will not feel hungry, and helps to reduce weight loss after pregnancy.8. Snack regularly
You probably won't have time to prepare lavish meals for yourself, so snack every few hours. This will stop you from bingeing on calorie-packed, high-sugar foods. Keep healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, vegetable sticks, and hummus within reach.8. Get physical
Exercise will help you burn extra calories, while the endorphins that are released will boost your mood. A brisk 15-minute walk is a good start.10. Freeze
If you're making a healthy meal, triple the recipe and freeze a few portions. That way you'll have something healthy to eat even if you haven't been shopping for a few days.Diet for Weight Loss after Pregnancy
1. Salmon
Salmon is loaded with a type of fat called DHA, which is crucial to developing your baby's nervous system. Breast milk contains DHA, but its levels will be higher if you include more DHA in your diet. The DHA in salmon may also help your mood and play a role in preventing postpartum depression.2. Lean beef
It's important to boost your energy by eating iron-rich foods. Iron deficiency can drain your energy levels and will lead to chocolate cravings.3. Berries
Sweet, tasty berries are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to give you a healthy boost. They also give you a dose of healthy carbs to keep your energy levels up.4. Eggs
Eggs are an easy way to meet your daily protein needs and they don't require a lot of effort to make. They're also rich in other nutrients that would enhance the quality of breast milk.5. Leafy greens
Green leafy veggies like spinach, fenugreek leaves, kale, and broccoli are good non-dairy sources of calcium and are packed with nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, and iron. Vitamin C is especially important if you've had a C-section. Green veggies are low in calories but packed with fiber so they'll keep you fuller for a longer duration and aid digestion.Your calorie intake
Don't cut calories drastically. You still need to build up your strength and nutrients, so eat sensibly. Avoid sugar, high-fat foods, and alcohol. If you're breastfeeding, you need to take in about 500 calories more per day than before you were pregnant. It's more important to get enough nutrients than to skip meals to lose weight faster. If you restrict calories, your milk supply will decrease. You'll lose weight from breastfeeding and exercising rather than dieting. Your body needs plenty of healthy calories for recovery and energy.Takeaway
Remember, it took you nine months to gain your baby weight, so be kind to yourself. If you lose weight gradually, it's more likely to stay off. Many women take stress about weight loss after pregnancy. However, you do not have to. I can understand that it is complicated to do things altogether. If you follow the above 10 tips for weight loss postpartum will help you to achieve your goals. [author title="About Author:" image="https://cdn.credihealth.com/system/images/blog/2194/original/oowomaniya_logo.jpg"]This article is sourced from OoWomaniya.com - an exclusive network for health and wellness for Women where women can discuss/ask about their doubts, concerns, and issues related to their health and wellness, be it physical, mental or emotional. Our focus is primarily on preventive health care and sensitivity, and awareness when it comes to female health.[/author]
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