There have been a lot of advancements in the medical field lately, and they are all very exciting. A good amount of them were pushed on by Covid 19 and our greatly expanding tech industry and have streamlined a lot of practices that were once time and energy consuming. We're breaking down the most impressive medical advancements of 2022.Remote patient monitoringRemote patient monitoring, or RPM, allows doctors to monitor their patients without the need to be physically close. This is obviously a plus in Covid times, but it means doctors are getting better at monitoring and treating transmittable diseases without getting in harm's way.Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence is very beneficial to the medicine field. Not only can it evaluate large amount of patient data, but it can create algorithms that mimic human thought, make decisions, and take action as needed.Digital therapeuticsDigital therapeutics are doctor-prescribed software programs that can be accessed by the patient to work on their mental health at home. They can monitor symptoms, educate the patient, analyse behavioural difference, etc. taking the weight off of one clinician for ongoing care.Tech in mental healthOn the professional side of things, clinicians are now gaining access to tech tools that can help patients improve mental health, such as CBT-infused apps, virtual therapy, and therapeutic video games.Internet of medical thingsSmart tech has advanced enough to become useful to the medical profession. There are smart gadgets like heart monitors, blood pressure gauges, and other wearable sensors all hitting the market. This makes for more efficient remote treatment since doctors can be sent an alert and check up on their patient from afar.Self-retaining retractorsThe retractor is nothing new. In fact, they've been a staple part of the surgical process for decades now, but they've recently been given an upgrade. Revolutionary self-retaining medical retractors are changing the surgical world by giving surgeons more freedom of movement, and decreasing the number of assistants required during procedures.This massively improves the rate of success in the operating theatre, as it needs one less set of hands to operate it, making for one less contaminant in the room and less chance of infection in the patient.Advanced telemedicineCovid did a lot wrong, but it also pushed forward a lot of ideas that were moving slowly on. One of them is the idea of telemedicine. Family doctors were once swamped with in-person appointments and dealing with complaints about long waiting times. Covid forced telemedicine to become mainstream, where a doctor will call up a patient for a consultation and discuss symptoms.Data-driven healthcareThe collection of data continues to accelerate, and nowhere is that more clear than in the medical field where data is the foundation for studies and reports.NanomedicineYou might have heard of nanotechnology, which operates on an atomic, molecular, or supramolecular scale, well, nanomedicine is the application of that technology to medicine. There are applications in imaging, sensing, diagnosis, and delivery to nanomedicine.
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