Itchy scalp may happen because of various reasons. There can be a lot of causes, including weather conditions and other medical conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and head lice. The best thing you can do to get rid of an itchy scalp is to apply oil on your scalp and let the oil settle while providing warmth to the head. Shampoos are effective until you want to wash your hair and remove the dirt. They become less effective after you go out in pollution, and it becomes at least two or three days after shampooing the hair. Since there are different hair types on each person's head, there are different Home remedies for itchy scalp. A few of them have been described below. But before that, let's discuss the causes of an itchy scalp.
Itchy scalp or Seborrheic dermatitis may also happen because of stress, fluctuating hormones, seasonal changes, or an overgrowth of yeast on the skin. Dandruff is the main reason behind such formations, making hair too dry, oily, and even whitish in color. There are many other causes of an itchy scalp, and these are listed -
What are the causes of an itchy scalp?

- Allergic reactions against dye and hair color products
- Head lice
- Herpes zoster, or shingles
- Eczema
- Autoimmune disorders
- Fungal infections
- Stress or anxiety
- Diabetes
- Atopic dermatitis
- Itchy scalp that lasts longer than a week
- The itchiness is so intense that you cannot sleep,
- if there is pain, swelling, or patches with blood.
Instant Home remedies for Itchy Scalp
List of Home remedies for the itchy scalp:#1. Warm olive oil
Olive oil has multiple uses, not just for cooking food but also for the application on the skin and correction of various other medical conditions. You can apply warm olive oil on your scalp; it will loosen your itchy skin and scales from the surface of your skin. You can take olive oil in your palm and apply it slowly and gradually on the scalp while massaging the area. Leave the oil on the scalp for several hours, and then wash the hair using a medicated shampoo. Warm Olive Oil is the best Home remedies for the itchy scalp. Also Read: Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The Secret Ingredient to a Healthy Lifestyle#2. Colloidal oatmeal
Some anti-dandruff shampoos contain colloidal oatmeal as the primary ingredient to fight various medical conditions. Mix the fine ground oatmeal dissolved in water to make the solution home. Later, apply the mixture to the skin of your head. It will help you avoid dryness and flaking on the scalp. To make a colloidal oatmeal solution, you need to follow the steps-- Take a handful of oatmeal in a muslin cloth,
- Hold the cloth beneath the running tap water and then collect the water in a container,
- Pour oatmeal water on your scalp gently while massaging thoroughly.
#3. Apple cider vinegar -
Apple cider vinegar contains high levels of acetic acid- a naturally occurring substance. People often use this as a disinfectant to remove the wound's dirt and debris. Humans have used it for many years because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is found that apple cider vinegar is particularly helpful in relieving psoriasis-related scalp itch. You can dilute vinegar in water with a ratio of one part of vinegar to one part of water. You can wash your hair with warm water containing vinegar. It should be noted that vinegar can lead to inflammation or itchiness, or burning sensation, especially when applied on a cracked and itchy scalp. If you have open wounds on your skin or hair scalp, you should avoid using the remedy. It can also lead to chemical burns, especially when you use apple cider vinegar as it is. It is advisable to perform a patch test before applying the mixture to the head. Apple Cider Vinegar is the best Home remedies for the itchy scalp. Book an online appointment with the best Itchy Scalp doctors near me in India#4. Coconut Oil
This is one of the best old home remedies for an itchy scalp. Coconut oil is meant to be pure and free from chemicals or unwanted materials that may harm your skin. Coconut oil is known to be stacked with properties that may heal your skin, fungal infections, itchiness, red patches, and various other issues of the skin. The best part of coconut oil is that it maintains the moisture on your skin and lets you have a dandruff-free scalp. According to science, it has been found that Coconut Oil treats eczema, a type of skin condition that leads to a tingling sensation, rashes, and dryness. You can apply the oil continuously for at least a month or two. It will help you eliminate all the symptoms of itchiness, redness, dryness, and dandruff-related issues. Coconut Oil is the best Home remedies for itchy scalp.#5. Mashed Bananas
Bananas are rich in vitamins like vitamin B6, vitamin C and other minerals and nutritional values like magnesium and potassium. Bananas have many benefits not only for the internal body but also for the skin. Bananas help improve the shine and free your hair from medical conditions like redness, itchiness, and dandruff. Several banana-based hair products are being sold out in the market. You can easily find them. Mashed Bananas is the best Home remedies for itchy scalp. Read Also: 8 Best Oil For Hair GrowthHow to apply?
Take a bowl and add two bananas to it. Now, mash bananas while adding coconut oil and some coconut milk and mix them all. Apply the mixture on your itchy scalp and let it dry or settle for at least thirty minutes. Later, wash the scalp with running water. You can also apply shampoo at a later time. You can apply this hair mask at least two times per week. It will help you improve the texture of the hair, shine, and scalp conditions. Also Read: 17 Health Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for body, hair, and skinConclusion
Among the various reasons for the itchy scalp, one can also have it because of bad internal organs, internal health, or weather conditions. You can follow any of the above mentioned natural Home remedies for itchy scalp; they are simple, easy to follow, and require much less material to prepare. If any of your scalp-related symptoms dissipate easily or within a few weeks, there is no issue with that, but if it doesn't dissipate for a week and stays as long as a month, it is high time to look for a doctor's help. Read Also: 10 Surprising Benefits of Almond oil for Hair Growth
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