MRI or magnetic resonance imaging is a scan that creates dimensional images of different body parts and can produce images better than a CT scan. MRI helps diagnose conditions like the nerves in the brain or body or can help get an image of the muscles. Blood vessels and organs or ligaments. This blog will find out how long does an MRI take when this technique scans different parts of the body. MRI works on the principles of the alignment of the protons in the body. The radio waves are moved across the body and create an image that can send out the signal to create images of the body.
MRI can take about 15 - 90 minutes. In many cases, the MRI will be shorter or longer depending on which part of the body is getting scanned and the number of images required. That is needed to play a role in determining the duration of the MRI. The MRI that requires contrasting colors and images will require a little longer than those that do not.
How long does an MRI take?

How long does a brain MRI take?
A brain MRI can take about 30-60 minutes and help identify the brain's condition. These scans require different dyes in different regions of blood movement in the brain, which can take about 30-45 minutes at the very least. In the same context, some conditions will require less time, about 5 minutes. Get expert guidance from top MRI Brain Doctors in India. Schedule a consultation today for personalized advice and the best care for your health needs.How long does a spine MRI take?
A Spinal MRI will help identify the cause of the back pain and the conditions that are a cousin to the pain in the spinal cord. This type of MRI will take about 30-60 minutes, but if two or three dies are needed, it can also take about 80 minutes.How long does a cervical MRI take?
A cervical MRI can take about 20 minutes. Mostly they need 45-60 minutes to perform an MRI. However, in other circumstances, if the patient is still healthy, it will go faster. A plastic coil is placed on top of the neck, producing a clearer picture for the patients and doctors.How long does a heart MRI take?
A heart MRI will take about 90 minutes and can help in identifying developing heart conditions like a blocked artery or the risks of heart failure in case of a blocked artery. They can help in identifying heart conditions, at the very least. Since it is a complicated organ, it will take about 90 minutes to get the image of the heart.Consult with an Expert: Cardiac Imaging Doctors in India
How long does a Stomach MRI take?
A stomach MRI will take 30 -90 minutes and be performed for more than 2 hours. These MRIs can help identify the blood flow, abdominal swelling, and fetal development in the womb. These can also help and aid in checking the development of the fetus, and in case there are any abnormalities associated with the pregnancy.How long does a knee MRI take?
A knee MRI can be taken to see the weakness and swelling in the knees. And these MRIs can take about 30-40 minutes, depending on the procedure. If small plastic coils are put around the knees, the process can also take less time.How long does a hip and an ankle MRI take?
The MRI for Hips is done to check the swelling or pain in the spine or the muscles of the hipe for an ankle; these are done to check pain s or spurs and the causes of the pain depending upon the areas of both the body parts a hip MRI will take 45 minutes and an ankle MRI usually takes not more than 30 minutes.What are the factors responsible for determining how long an MRI will take?
- The part of the body getting scanned. The MRI length will depend on the part of the body that is getting scanned. The part that needs more surface area requires more time than smaller areas.
- The number of images developed, if the doctor requires detailed analytics images, then the length of the technique will be more. If free images are required, then the duration will be less.
- The number of dyes used in the technique, in brain BRIs, more contrasting dyes are used and dancing there the MRI will take more time, and it can even be longer than one hour.
- The sedatives used in the techniques. MRIs are sensitive techniques that require no movement of the patient. In case the person moves, the entire process requires to be repeated. People with claustrophobia usually take more time to get the correct MRI images.
Summing it up-
Though MRI is a complicated process that helps find the image of the body's internal organs, it can take quite some time. From about 30-60 minutes. Some MRIs that require more colors can take more than 2 hours to get the images of the desired organs, muscles, or ligaments. These MRIs help determine the number of conditions that can cause illness, and the patient must stay still during the MRI. Consult our doctor or technician if you have any doubts about the treatment.Frequently Asked Questions
How long does an MRI take?
An MRI will take about 30 to 60 minutes or as long as 2 hours.
What type of sedatives are used in an MRI?
Propofol induces sleep in a person while they are going for an MRI.
Can I sleep during an MRI?
No, you are not allowed to sleep during an MRI.
What can you do to pass the time during an MRI?
Some people can feel very anxious during an MRI. So they can practice calming themselves with breathing techniques. They can also close their eyes but should not fall asleep at any cost.
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