Most Popular Cosmetic Procedure
Breast augmentation is one of the most common and popular cosmetic surgeries among women. It is currently in the top five cosmetic procedures plastic surgeons perform in the United States. The age limit for this procedure is vast. Anyone in their 20s to their 50s to undergo breast surgery. However, there are stipulations for younger women who choose to have breast augmentation surgery. The minimum age limit for breast implants is 18. This is to allow your body to develop fully. Age plays a major role in how your body responds to surgery, so it is recommended to see a doctor yearly to ensure you are in good condition to undergo surgery. Underlying health conditions can develop as we age, so older women seeking breast implants must keep routine checkups with their physicians.What The FDA Says
While the FDA approved women over the age of 18 for breast implants, they are limited to only saline implants. Only silicone breast implants are approved for women over the age of 22. This is since your breasts and body can still change and develop between the ages of 18 to 22. Younger women who want silicone implants must wait until they are 22 to undergo breast augmentation. Statistically, the most common age range for women who undergo breast surgery are between the ages of 19 and 34, making up half of the percentage of women who receive breast augmentation. 39 percent are between the ages of 35 and 50, and the final 14 percent are over the age of 51. Only 2 percent are over the age of 60. Overall, the age range for breast implants is wide. As long as a woman is in good health and doesn't smoke, she is a candidate for breast augmentation.How Different Ages Affect Breast Augmentation
Age plays a role in every surgery, but for breast implants, the biggest factor is recovery. Women in their 20s and 30s are likely to heal faster and recover more easily than women in their 40s and 50s. However, women in their 40s and 50s are most likely done having children and don't have to worry about breast augmentation affecting breastfeeding. For women who want children and still want breast implants, there are surgical techniques your cosmetic surgeon can perform to preserve breastfeeding abilities. A more important factor than age is health. During the consultation, it is extremely important to be honest with your surgeon and inform him of any underlying health conditions or medications before breast augmentation. If you smoke, you will have to stop well before the time of the procedure and after. Good health is the most important factor, not age. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong time to undergo breast augmentation surgery. As long as you are in good health, of the right age, and know what you want, you are a good candidate for breast surgery.What Ages Should Expect
Different ages will have different needs and desired outcomes regarding breast augmentation surgery. Women in their 20s or 30s may want to fix asymmetrical breasts or enhance breast tissue and profile, while women in their 40s and 50s may want to focus on sagging breast tissue and deflated shape. Women who have had children and breastfed are more likely to want to address sagging. Older women who have had prior breast augmentation may need to have replacement breast implants.Does Time Of The Year Matter?
Some cosmetic surgeons recommend the cooler months, specifically fall, for breast augmentation surgery. Avoiding harsh sun rays is better for your scars, while resting and spending time indoors is vital to recovery. It can be hard for some women to stay indoors during the summer, and the holidays can be a perfect time for scheduled rest.Recovery After Breast Augmentation
While younger patients may have an easier recovery process, the healing largely depends on the health and lifestyle of the patient. If an older woman is in excellent health and cares for her body, she often will bounce back just as fast as the younger patients. No matter how old you are, if you smoke and practice unhealthy habits, your recovery will be harder and longer. Health is the key to recovery and healing well. If you follow all your surgeon's instructions, don't smoke, and take care of yourself, your healing process will be smooth.Conclusion
There is no true limit on when you can have a breast augmentation. As long as you are over the age of 18, in good health, and take care of yourself, breast implants could be right for you. The most important factor is to find a skilled and understanding surgeon to help you through the process and achieve your goals and produce beautiful results. Tagged in Breast Reconstruction

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