You might have come across a relative or a loved one who frequently asks for things to be repeated while being spoken to. They might zone out of a conversation due to the inability to follow what's being said. It's quite common for friends and family of a certain individual to notice hearing difficulties before they themselves come to notice it. Your loved one who might be suffering from hearing loss may be sensitive or emotional. It is important to consider the manner of approach in which you wish to advise them very carefully. You might even encounter some aggression from them, as in them not being ready to accept or being unaware that they suffer from a certain degree of hearing impairment. At this point, we recommend you keep in mind the points stated below, in order to convince them politely and effectively to check their hearing health.

Do your research about hearing loss
Learn briefly about hearing loss and hearing aids before you have a conversation about the same with your loved ones on its symptoms, care, and cure. Research and keep the contact information of good audiologists with you so your loved ones can get help from certified audiologists. Learn to identify the effects and degree of hearing loss of your loved one or friend. Also, learn about the different types of hearing aids available and try to suggest which one would be best suited for your friend/family member.Know the correct times to advise
Don't try to aggravate stressful situations for your loved ones by bringing up the issue of their hearing loss. If you see your loved one in an already frantic situation, it's best to wait for them to calm down before informing them about their potential hearing loss. Avoid bringing up past situations that might make them feel uncomfortable or insecure, instead give them present examples of how their hearing can get better and help them lead a happier life. You can show them instances of their past where they couldn't hear properly, but make sure you pick the most neutral of situations and not ones that offend them.Approach them with care and affection
Show empathy but don't be patronizing. Assure them that everything is going to be all right and hearing loss is fairly more common than they think. It is nothing to be scared or ashamed of. When you approach them about their issues concerning hearing, do it in an optimistic and affectionate manner.Talk to them about the adverse effects of hearing loss
They might be completely unaware of the negative impact of their hearing loss. It is important to subtly point out that they may not be able to hear clearly or be a part of conversations, and they might be missing out on so much more! Again, this must be brought to their notice when they're alone with you and on a personal level. Show them instances in their daily routines of how they are encountering difficulties.Elaborate on different hearing aid technologies
Hearing aids now come in a wide range of technologies and sizes. A lot of them are inbuilt with features like custom ear molds, and AI, and are nearly invisible. Talk to your loved ones about these cool features in an attempt to pique their interest in hearing aids and help them warm up to the aspect that wearing a modern hearing aid may be good for them.Provide them with motivation and support
Offer to help them schedule an appointment with an audiologist, be there with them while they're taking their hearing test, and make sure you carry everything they require for the audiometric exam. Even after the hearing test is done and the results are provided, make yourself available in case they need help getting accustomed to handling their new hearing aid. Let them know that they would be just as useful and cared for, even after attaining the hearing aid for long-term use.Finally, you must not forget to tell them about going for regular hearing checks.Schedule them for annual or bi-annual hearing checks even after they have been prescribed a suitable hearing aid. This would help them see a clearer picture of their condition and routinely manage their hearing problem. As a well-wisher of your friend or relative with hearing loss, you must initially give them the confidence to go out and handle social situations, until they are confident enough to handle their everyday lives completely on their own. Categorized into General Health

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