Do you ever notice those tiny bugs in your garden or home? Well, they are gnats! These small insects tend to rest on food items and houseplants and bother you when coming in front of your face. Though these pests are annoying, they are not harmful. Generally, the reasons for the gnat growth are spilled sweet juices, overwatered plants, or overflowing garbage cans. All these mistakes, and you see your home covered with these tiny pests. Are you struggling with such a situation? Then, you need to know how to get rid of gnats in house correctly.
Do not worry; this article covers every point. From how to get rid of them and gnat types to how to avoid a gnat infestation, we will discuss everything in detail. Read on to learn in detail!
How To Get Rid Of Gnats in House: 7 Effective Ways
These are the effective methods you need to know how to get rid of gnats inside the house. Have a look!
1. Build A Gnat Trap
Try this home remedy! Mix a few drops of dishwashing soap, apple cider vinegar, and some sugar in a small bowl. Put the bowl near the area affected by gnats. This sweet solution will attract and trap these tiny bugs.
2. Make Use Of Flypaper
Hang a sticky flypaper in the affected areas. This equipment can help attract, see, and kill these bugs. Remember that when the flypaper is full of trapped insects, change it.
3. Place A Fruit Trap
Put a rotten banana or apple in the bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap. Then, make a few holes in it. This will help the gnats get trapped inside the wrap.
4. Clean Your Drains
Running boiled or bleached water down the kitchen drains can be helpful. You can also use the drain cleansing products formulated for pest control. Just follow the directions marked on the packaging.
5. Try Bug Zapper
Bug Zapper is the quickest and most convenient method. These collective devices can easily attract and kill those tiny bugs coming in contact with electric shocks. So, try the indoor-safe bug zapper on your kitchen counter or near your houseplants.
6. Utilize Leftover Wine
Pour leftover wine into a container, mix some dish soap, and put it near the heavily affected areas. Gnats will crawl toward the solution, fall in, and will not find a way to escape.
7. Use Chemical Sprays
If the gnat infestation is excessive, chemical sprays are the best option. Use them carefully in gnats-heavy areas by carefully following the directions. If you have pets and kids at home, take these products out of their reach.
How To Get Rid Of Gnats On Plants?
How to get rid of gnats outdoors? Here are the best natural remedies to get rid of gnats that you can easily follow:
1. Place Yellow Sticky Cards
The tiny insects quickly draw towards the bright color. So, place these cards layered with gummy adhesive in the affected area. According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the bright yellow color easily catches and traps the insects.
2. Avoid Overwatering Plants
Overwatering can create a moisture-rich place for the gnats to grow efficiently and quickly. So, having low-maintenance plants that need water can be the better alternative. This will reduce the thriving of these tiny insects.
3. Use Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis)
Cleaning products with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) can also be utilized. Bti is a bacterium that naturally emerges in the soil and controls the larval stage of gnats. So, use Bti-containing products by following the directions. This will help target these pests without harming your plants.
4. Sprinkle Food-Grade Product
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a food-grade product you can spread over the dry potting soil. This effective powder will trap and kill gnat larvae immediately. Don’t sprinkle it over the wet soil; it will not show the desired effects. To ensure the DE remains dry, set a small amount of sand on the top layer of the soil and then use it.
5. Let Soil Dry Out
It can be challenging, but skipping watering the plants can also help get rid of gnats. So, allow the soil to dry out on its own, preventing the build-up of a moist breeding ground for the bugs. As a result, this will reduce the growth of fungus gnats on the plant roots.
6. Discard Decaying Residues
Clean off all the decaying residues like rotten leaves and dead flowers from the plants and soil. These main elements entice the gnats to thrive and damage the plants.
What Are Different Types of Gnats?
Different types of gnats include:
1. Fungus Gnats
These are generally small insects on overwatered houseplants inside or outside the house. Also, these pests favor moist soil with rotten plant residues. They deposit eggs, and the baby larvae eat the roots of the plants. The results of which are yellow leaves, wilting, and even death of the plants.
2. Drain Flies
These are also called sewer flies that mostly favor humid areas. Those spots can be sink pipes, drains, and trash disposals. Their larvae feed on the moisture and the rotten organic matter. On disturbance, these bugs move up in the air while using the sink.
3. Fruit Flies
These pests usually feed on rotten or ripe vegetables and fruits. They lay the eggs on these food items, which leads to fast rotting. In addition, they can infect any space they come to rest on.
How To Identify The Types Of Gnats?
Different gnats have particular appearances. Recognizing these bugs in any area of your house will help you get rid of them quickly using effective strategies. Here is the specific look of each type of gnat:
1. Fungus Gnats- Dark black body and long legs
2. Drain Flies- Fuzzy look and more enormous wings
3. Fruit Flies- Brown body and round look
Do Gnats Bite?
Not all, but yes, a few gnats bite. Among them, female gnats are the ones who bite as they have cutting teeth that they use to pierce the skin and suck blood. On the other hand, male gnats do not bite. They just feed on the nectar of the plants. Generally, gnats bite is not a matter of concern and resolves on their own. Wondering, “Are gnats dangerous?” No, gnats are not dangerous as they don’t spread diseases via bite. However, a study says that they can cause allergic reactions in some cases. The symptoms of allergic reactions include swelling, itching, pain, redness, and irritation.
You will mostly find the bites on the skin of your forearms, legs, face, feet, neck, and head. If you get a gnat bite, first cleanse the area using water and soap and smoothly apply an antiseptic. In addition, you can apply an anti-itch cream or use a medication or ice pack. Seek medical help in case you experience severe side effects.
How Do Gnat Infestations Start?
Most commonly gnats live outdoors. However, they are entirely inside the house through open doors or holes in windows, foundations, or walls. In addition, you can even unintentionally bring the gnats into your home through new indoor houseplants or purchased products. These eggs are difficult to see as they are very tiny, making them unnoticed. Once the gnats are indoors, they frequently feed on open foods, rotten fruits, and trash cans. You can find them in moist places. Moreover, they are near drains or sinks as they often reproduce in the dirt inside pipes.
How To Get Rid Of Gnat Infestation?
Sometimes, even after using these effective methods, gnats keep coming back. So, looking for, “How to prevent gnats in the future?” Follow these easy and quick tips:
1. Clear off all drinks and food spills
Never open drinks or food items. Just clean them up straight. If any spills occur, wipe it out instantly.
2. Put your trash in sealed garbage cans every night
Usually, gnats are drawn toward the rotten food or trash in the garbage cans. So, use a well-sealed bin and regularly empty it.
3. Keep your kitchen drains clean
Regularly maintain your kitchen drains with special cleaners or diluted bleach to keep them free from fungus and slime. You can also opt for eco-friendly drain cleaning products, targeting drain, fruit, and fungus gnats.
4. Keep your fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator
As gnats easily get tempted by the smell of vegetables and fruits, leaving them open in your kitchen counters can increase exposure. So, store them well in your refrigerator.
5. Maintain low humidity inside and outside your house
If there are any sink drain stoppages or plumbing leaks, repair them immediately. Also, clean all the moist areas of the house.
6. Do not overwater the houseplants
Indoor houseplants are more prone to gnats infestation, and overwatering leads to moist soil. If you notice gnats, cut down the watering time and make sure the pots have a drainage hole.
7. Have proper garden maintenance
Regularly maintaining your garden is a must. A clean, odorless, and trash-free place prevents the gnat infestation.
8. Keep outdoor drains, garbage cans, and water collection spots clean and dry
Use the drain cover to keep the outdoor drains and garbage bins dry and clean. This will prevent moisture collection during winter, thus preventing gnats infestation. Also, regularly clean all the drains, cans, and home's water collection spots.
When To Seek Help From A Professional Pest Control Company?
If all the listed natural methods and commercial products are ineffective and the gnats infestation is severe, it's high time to seek professional help. Call a licensed pest control company where a team can assist you in customizing the efficient solution per your needs. Using the appropriate strategies, they will ensure all the gnats are entirely gone and will not be able to thrive back.
Summing Up
Struggling with gnats infestation may seem endless but it is not! You can tackle the issue by identifying the gnats types and understanding how to get rid of gnats in-house or on plants. Maintaining low humidity, avoiding watering houseplants, cleaning drains, clearing food spills, and keeping trash in sealed garbage cans can help get rid of gnats. If all these practices fail, reaching a well-known pest control team is better. By providing a customized solution, professionals aid in killing the gnats and ensure those tiny insects do not come back.
Also Read: Combatting Household Pests: Strategies For A Healthier Home Environment
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes gnats in the house?
Wet soil, rotten vegetables and fruits, and food spills draw gnats. They also tend to come in overwatered houseplants.
How to get rid of gnats in a quick way?
The fastest method to prevent gnats in the house is using a bug zapper. This device attracts, kills, and then collects these tiny insects in a detachable portion of the equipment.
Do gnats leave on their own?
In rare cases, the gnats leave their breeding place on their own. But cutting down their food and breeding sites can reduce their number. After a while, these tiny bugs may disappear altogether.
What's the lifespan of gnats in the house?
Usually, gnats live in the house between 18-30 days. But they breed very quickly, so if gnat infestation is not treated shortly, it can lead to long-lasting growth.
Do gnats give eggs?
Yes, gnats do lay eggs. These tiny insects give them in moist plant pots, drains, and decayed residues.
How do we recognize fruit fly infestation in the house?
Typically, fruit flies have brown, round bodies with red eyes. If you notice these tiny bugs around your garbage cans, rotten fruits, or veggies, your house may be a breeding place for them.
Do fruit flies harm you or annoy you?
Fruit flies mainly annoy you. But, these pests may also be harmful, as they can spread bacteria on the open fruits and veggies, making them dirty. So, preventing their infestations and reducing their potential damage immediately is essential.
Is bleach safe for killing fruit flies?
Though bleach might kill fruit flies, it doesn't remain long enough to prevent the infestation entirely. So, use homemade trappers and other natural methods to deal with fruit fly problems.
Is using vinegar for gnats to trap around pets and kids is dangerous?
Generally, it is safe to use vinegar around your pets and kids for gnat traps. However, make sure to place the vinegar trapper with safety that can avoid spills or ingestion.

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