Nutrition and diet are important factors in preparing your body for pregnancy; however, what male partners eat in the months preceding conception is also important.Fertility foods aren't just for women; some foods boost sperm production and quality, and foods men should avoid when trying to conceive.Men are identified as being responsible for nearly half of all instances of infertility. While many factors can influence male fertility, sperm quantity, and quality are two of the most important.One of the most important factors influencing fertility is sperm quality. Like any other part of the human body, the reproductive system depends on the vitamins and minerals provided to it. Continue reading to know the solutions on how to increase sperm count with food. We'll explore the nutrients in these foods that are beneficial for sperm health and provide practical tips on how to incorporate them into your diet.
Numerous foods can increase sperm count, some of which are listed below:
What are the Foods that Increase Sperm Count?

1. Eggs -
Eggs are one of the most important health foods for increased sperm count. Eggs also contain vitamins, minerals, and protein, aiding sperm motility. Consuming eggs also help protect sperm from free - radicals, increasing the likelihood of fertilization. Eggs are also high in zinc, which has been shown to enhance sperm motility. Eggs could be consumed in different ways to boost your sperm count.2. Bananas -
The obvious choice for boosting sperm production is bananas. This phallic-shaped fruit is high in vitamins B1 and C and magnesium, which increases sperm mobility and aids in sperm production. Bananas also contain Bromelain, a rare enzyme that aids in sperm count and sperm quality. They can indeed regulate sex hormones and lift your spirits. So, if you enjoy eating bananas, individuals have plenty of reasons to keep eating them.Also Read: 20th Week of Pregnancy: Go Bananas!3. Roasted pumpkin seeds -
These seeds are packed with antioxidants, phytosterols, and amino, which promote male fertility. Pumpkin seeds can help with sperm count, sperm quality, and overall virility. You can make them into salad toppings or as a raw snack.4. Dark chocolate -
Dark chocolate is the first and most likely finest food to boost sperm count. The cacao beans used to make chocolate are high in antioxidants. Dark chocolate also includes L-Arginine, an enzyme that helps increase sperm volume. After dinner, you can consume a piece of dark chocolate for dessert.5. Vegetables with dark green leaves -
Folate is also known as vitamin B9 in food or folic acid, abundant in leafy greens, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, green beans, and legumes like lentils and peas, and can aid in the production of strong, healthy sperm.6. Garlic -
Garlic protects against cancer and boosts sperm count in the scrotum. It contains allicin, which boosts blood flow to the appropriate areas. Blood freely flows to the sexual organs, protecting them from harm. Selenium, a further important enzyme garlic contains, aids in sperm motility. Know more about health benefits of garlic for men.7. Walnuts -
Nuts are high in protein and healthy fats. Healthy fat is needed for the development of sperm cell membranes. Such omega-3 fats also help increase sperm volume by increasing the amount of blood in the testicles. The arginine content of walnuts helps to increase sperm count. The antioxidants in walnuts also aid in removing toxins from the bloodstream.8. Spinach -
Folic acid is essential for the proper development of sperm. Folic acid is abundant in leafy vegetables, and spinach is an excellent supplement for your diet. Higher folic acid levels also reduce the number of abnormal sperm in the sperm, increasing the likelihood of the sperm successfully penetrating the egg.9. Asparagus -
Asparagus contains Vitamin C, which also helps to protect sperm from oxidative stress. It even increases sperm count and reproduction chances by assisting them in swimming toward the egg.10. Broccoli -
Aside from asparagus, broccoli is another green vegetable high in folic acid. Folic acid is also commonly referred to as B9. It has been known to aid in female fertility and is now recognized as essential in male fertility. Men able to take a regular dose enhanced their sperm production by up to 70% in one study.Also Read: What are the disadvantages of releasing sperm daily?11. Pomegranate
Pomegranates have been shown to increase sex drive. They help improve the quality and quantity of sperm production because they are high in antioxidants. Pomegranates can be consumed in raw or juice form every other day.12. Foods High in Zinc -
Any food high in zinc protects sperm from damaging free radicals. It also increases libido. Fish have all the benefits of fish. Consume Beans, dairy products, whole wheat grains, nuts, and fortified cereals, to increase your zinc intake.13. Berries -
Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, and blueberries, like goji berries, contain antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory nutrients like quercetin and resveratrol, which aid in sperm quality and production.14. Tomatoes -
Tomatoes are an excellent fertility food. They contain lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to enhance the structure and function of sperm. Regular tomato consumption can boost male fertility.15. Kiwi -
One Kiwi contains nearly the entire daily requirement of vit C for men. Oral vitamin C supplementation has been shown in studies to improve sperm motility, count, and morphology. Brussels sprouts, Red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and cabbage are also high in vitamin C. Eating more fruits and vegetables is generally linked to better sperm quality.16. Sardines and salmon -
The Omega-3 fatty acids found in high concentrations in fish, particularly salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring, and sardines, may help improve sperm quality and quantity. Add chia seeds, walnuts, or ground flaxseeds to milkshakes or drizzle on plant-based yogurt for a vegan/plant-based option.17. Ashwagandha (Ginseng) -
This oldest root is an excellent erogenous zone and has been used in cooking for centuries. It is said to increase testosterone as well as aid in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. It is accessible in dried or fresh form and can be made into tea. Also Read: Ashwagandha Benefits And Its Side Effects18. Carrots -
Carrots can be eaten as a vegetable or as a snack. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that keeps sperm healthy by defending it from free radicals. This, in turn, improves sperm mobility, allowing it to reach the egg.17. Lentils -
Cooked lentils are high in folic acid, which acts as a catalyst in the production of sperm. Folic acid deficiency can cause point mutations in men, so eating lentils daily is essential.18. Beef -
Red meats, such as beef, are also high in zinc. Beef is also high in folic acid and selenium, greatly boosting sperm health. Consume beef if you enjoy meat; it will help with sperm count and mobility.19. Fenugreek -
Fenugreek, known as methi, is a traditional Indian ingredient that boosts sperm production and libido. It can be added to dal or other vegetable dishes.20. Virgin olive oil -
Regular intake of olive oil improves sperm count and quality. It lowers bad cholesterol levels, increases oxygen flow to the testicles, and aids in initiating healthy sperm.Also Read: Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The Secret Ingredient to a Healthy LifestyleConclusion -
Increasing sperm count and improving sperm quality through diet and nutrition is possible. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet, you can provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals for healthy sperm production.It's important to avoid or limit processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats, which have been shown to have a negative impact on sperm health. In addition, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake, quitting smoking, and managing stress levels can also help improve your sperm count and quality.While dietary changes can be beneficial, it's important to note that they may not be the sole solution for male infertility. If you're experiencing persistent issues with your sperm count or quality, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.Overall, to sum up, how to increase sperm count with food? Indeed a healthy and balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, combined with healthy lifestyle habits, can help increase your chances of conceiving and improve your overall reproductive health.Read Also: How To Shrink a Spermatocele?
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