
7 Simples Poses of Yoga to Reduce Belly Fat

Nowadays, people have become more health-conscious and are exploring various fitness strategies. Many, Have started focusing on Yoga to reduce belly fat.

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Nowadays, people have become more health-conscious and are exploring various fitness strategies. Therefore, many training centers have grown tremendously over the past few years. However, an ancient tradition to maintain fitness among people is "yoga." Currently, people are trying to acquire copious skills to perform Yoga. A sedentary lifestyle and a hectic schedule have made it difficult for people to maintain their body shape. Therefore, young people, especially women, have started focusing on Yoga to reduce belly fat.But why only practice Yoga? Yoga is not an activity but an important ritual like eating food. Asanas support physical, mental, and spiritual well-being to create a new version of yourself. It relaxes your mind and enables you to build a balance between the outer and inner worlds. In a study published in 2016 by Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 85% of participants reported an average weight loss by doing Yoga. Additionally, they correlated Yoga with a longer period of mindfulness training. Also, Read 6 Best Yoga Poses and Exercises to Target Facial Fat

7 best yoga asanas to help you Yoga to reduce belly fat - 

1. Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar - Yoga to reduce belly fatIt is one of the best ways to strengthen the overall body. Surya Namaskar is the right choice to begin your early morning. It consists of 12 powerful poses that immensely improve the cardiovascular system's function. The prominent role of this asana is to strengthen the abdominal muscles and provide tone to your thighs and back.

2. The cobra pose

The cobra pose - Yoga to reduce belly fatBhujangasana (cobra pose) mostly works by providing flexibility to the back and stomach. This includes various steps that are given below.
  • For starters, you must lie on your stomach on the floor.
  • Try to stretch your hands on the shoulder lever and touch your toes properly on the floor.
  • Slowly and steadily inhale the air and lift your upper body by relieving pressure on your hands. 
  • Your thighs and legs should be straight and touch the floor. 
  • Try to hold this position for 20-30 seconds.
  • Return to a lying position and exhale the air. 

3. Kumbhakasana

Kumbhakasana - Yoga to reduce belly fatYou must be finding difficulty in pronouncing the word. Let me allow you to ease it, also known as -The Plank. I am sure you once heard this word in an article or a video. This is the most common and recommended pose to burn off belly fat.The steps go like this:-
  • In the beginning, you have to lie face down. 
  • Following that, try to lift your whole body by straightening your arms. 
  • Try to balance on your toes and move your face 
  • Inhale the air and look down. Hold your breath. 
  • Hold it as long as you can, then release the air and repeat these steps.

4. Trikonasana ( triangle pose)

Trikonasana ( triangle pose) - yoga to reduce belly fatYou must balance your upper body to stretch both legs outward in this pose. You have to keep your body still because you are twisting your body.You must be cautious while performing this asana as it may cause a sprain.

5. Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose) - yoga to reduce belly fatI recommend it as the top of all poses. Although it is challenging, the outcomes are massively outstanding. This pose provides abs and tightens the belly muscles.We can accomplish this by following various steps:-
  • First, lie down on your face with your face. 
  • Try to bend your knees and bring your feet up in the outward direction with the help of your hands. 
  • Inhale, lift your hands and feet, and raise your thighs and chest. 
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and so on. 
  • Eventually, increase your potential to 90 seconds at least. 
  • Release the pose and exhale the air slowly.

6. Camel Pose

Camel Pose - yoga to reduce belly fatDon't start Ustrasana, which means camel pose yoga, in your initial phase. However, it comes in the most recommended Yoga to work in the abdominal area.Before doing this pose, please assure yourself that you may not have any back issues.The steps go like this:- 
  • Kneel on the floor and make your thighs straight and perpendicular to the floor. 
  • Rest your hands on your buttocks and try to arch your back inwards. 
  • Consciously lean back and touch your heels with your hands. 
  • Do not put pressure on the spine, and do not exaggerate the process. 
  • Hold it for a minute, if possible.

7. Naukasana 

Naukasana - yoga to reduce belly fatThis Yoga works on the side of the belly. The Naukasana is well-known as the boat pose that cuts the front tummy muscles and strengthens the core.How you can perform Naukasana:-
  • Lie down on the floor with your face towards the ceiling.
  • Keep your hands by your side.
  • Start by raising your legs at a 45-degree angle and supporting them with your hands on both sides.
  • Do not forget to do deep breathing exercises.
Also, Read Yoga Poses To Do An Hour Before Bed For Better Sleep.Here are a few other tips to include with Yoga to Bring Effective Outcomes - 
  • A healthy diet is crucial to bringing down undesirable calories and fat. 
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber to reduce obesity. Additionally, do not compromise on fluid intake. 
  • Supply fresh water to your body about 2-3L/day. 
  • On top of that, a strict routine is important because we youngsters are prone to irregular night patterns and habits.
  • A stable mind should be there to perform Yoga and meditation. The outcomes of Yoga come from stability. That's why people choose quite a place to bring better results.

Types and possible complications of Belly Fat - 

Two types of fat surround the abdomen or belly:-
  1. Subcutaneous
  2. Visceral
Why is it necessary to reduce belly fat? Let me allow you to take a bit of closure. I mentioned two types of fats earlier. But don't take it lightly. When visceral fat accumulates around your organs, as a consequent effect, it raises the severity of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, lung diseases, and gastric problems.Visceral fat contains a specific type of protein that swells up your body's tissue and narrows down the blood vessels, which results in blockage. Hence, it causes high blood pressure and myocardial infarction (heart attack).Furthermore, fat gets deposited by consuming heavy meals, not having enough physical movement, poor metabolism, postpartum fat, low water intake, inadequate sleep, and aging.

Frequently Asked Questions - 

Also, Read Prenatal Yoga: Best Postures

Final Takeaway - 

 Yoga asana to reduce belly fat is very effective at burning off stubborn abdominal fat, toning the belly, and shaping the body, helping keep you looking fit and younger. Go ahead and try any of these Yoga poses for reduced belly fat. Moreover, Yoga improves the associated problem and reduces the chance of seeking a doctor. However, a strong will and dedication are needed to perform the asana. If anything is performed consistently, then you can move a mountain too.  Also, Read Reasons Why Everyone Must Take Out Some Time For Yoga Daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently should I practice Yoga?

Even an hour a week of yoga practice will have positive effects. You will undoubtedly get greater benefits from Yoga if you invest more time in it. If you're starting, practice once or twice a week for anything between 20 and an hour at a time. As you continue, increase the time each time to an hour and a half.

Which type of Yoga is best for me?

Choose a pose that appeals to your mind, body, and spirit the most and that you are comfortable with.

What time of day is ideal for Yoga?

Yoga should be practiced early or late at night for the best results.

When should you avoid practicing Yoga?

Yoga should not be practiced right after eating. Avoid practicing Yoga if you are sick, worn out, or have menstruation.

Categorized into General Health,Ayurveda