There are myriad myths and misconceptions about oral health and dentistry in general. Worry not, we are here going to tackle the most frequently asked questions on oral health.
Oral Health FAQ's
1. Does brushing regularly make teeth lose? No! The simple act of brushing your teeth cannot make teeth lose as the gums and bone around hold them firmly in place. However, if there is an infection of gums and bones due to the tartar gathered around the teeth your bone and gum levels can start to recede, creating gaps between the teeth. And, if this tartar, is not removed periodically can cause loosening of teeth. 2. Is root canal treatment painful? The root canal treatment involves the removal of the nerve that is either damaged or diseased. This is then followed by further cleaning and shaping the root canal and filling the canals with appropriate material. And, since this treatment is done under anesthesia it is painless. 3. Can I change the color of my teeth? Can you change the color of your teeth to make it look clean and white - yes! But, can you change the color of your teeth to blue - definitely no! The simple dental procedure of teeth whitening can make have a bright-shiny smile worth a million bucks… 4. Why do my gums bleed? One can experience bleeding gums due to numerous reasons such as excessive accumulation of tartar, brushing using a hard bristle brush or intake of certain drugs. No matter what be the reason, make sure you visit a dentist for suitable treatment options. 5. Is smoking bad for teeth and gums? Yes! Smoking not only affects your lungs but it also affects your oral health rendering you a potential victim of oral cancer. The risk of oral cancer increases proportionally to the number of cigarettes smoked each day and the number of years that the person has been smoking. Additionally, it affects your overall oral health in the form of tooth stains, bad breath, delayed healing of oral wounds and increased severity of gum disease. Also, read about: How to control Uric Acid. 6. How often should I visit a dentist? One should visit the dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups to maintain the overall health and hygiene of your teeth and mouth. 7. Which toothpaste is ideal? Any fluoridated toothpaste is good. The final call to decide the toothpaste is based on medicinal content and flavor. After all, all work as foaming agents to clean your teeth of plaque and food remnants. One should not be under the assumption that medicated toothpaste are the best in class as they are not. They should only be used under the advice of a dentist as they are used for specific purposes. 8. What's better flossing or brushing? It's a well-known fact that flossing daily has two benefits i.e. cleans the teeth and prevents plaque formation that can eventually damage your teeth and gums. Whereas, brushing can only help you achieve the former benefit. Therefore, the habit of brushing is good but the habit of flossing is even better! 9. Do babies with not many teeth need any dental care? Yes! It might sound funny however, it's true. Parents should clean the baby's mouth and tongue regularly to avoid any food remnants. One could clean the baby's mouth with wet gauze and give them water to achieve the same. 10. What is the right age for braces treatment? There is a widespread misconception that braces only work for kids. And, this is not true, as people of all ages can avail the procedure. However, the time taken to correct the teeth alignment of adult people would be longer as they have denser bones.
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