While some might disapprove of the name, it's important to understand the phenomenon. Ozempic Face is the term given to a sudden appearance of looking older, and it is causing some frenzy among people using semaglutide to help support their dieting. Elon Musk tweeted that he was using it, and others have been singing its praises for some time. The drug has been so highly praised for its weight loss capabilities that increased demand caused shortages for the most popular brands, Ozempic and Wegovy. Semaglutide, the medication that stars (and others who can afford it) are taking, is causing Ozempic Face in some people. The name describes the results of weight loss that occurs too quickly, leaving users with wrinkles and/or sagging skin, a look of premature facial aging. That wasn't the expected outcome.
What is Semaglutide and Why is it Prescribed?
Semaglutide's two popular brands, Ozempic and Wegovy, are both manufactured by Novo Nordisk. Another semaglutide, Rybelsus, rounds out the non-insulin semaglutide medications used to help manage type 2 diabetes (or, in the case of Wegovy, weight loss). Patients take their prescribed semaglutide brand as a once-weekly injection. The medications are available in various prefilled doses; initially you begin with the lowest dose for 4 weeks, then work your way through increased dosages until you find your maintenance dosage, as prescribed. Many people have doubts that how does semaglutide work for weight loss, then Semaglutide, the ingredient in both Ozempic and Wegovy, is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist. For clarity, there are several GLP-1 agonists originally prescribed to help people control type-2 diabetes as long-term therapies. But it's probably no surprise that GLP-1 agonists, in fact, help shed weight, too. Semaglutide's effectiveness in adults with type-2 diabetes occurs when it mimics the naturally-occurring GLP-1 hormone produced by the body's intestines when we eat food. Semaglutide medications work in three ways:
- To control appetite
- To control blood sugar
- To improve intestinal movement
Semaglutide helps you lose weight by slowing the stomach-emptying process, leaving you feeling full for a longer period of time. It also works to reduce appetite at the brain's appetite center.
Ozempic vs Wegovy
Ozempic's primary use, controlling type-2 diabetes, has a secondary effect: weight loss. Ozempic is not FDA-approved for weight management, however. In some cases, doctors may prescribe Ozempic "off-label" for managing weight. It is legal to do so. And Ozempic isn't really very hard to get. Those wanting to lose weight quickly simply turn to online telehealth sites, says Vicky Nguyen, NBC News Senior Consumer Investigative Reporter. That's where same-day prescriptions are available. She went online, paid $75, completed a questionnaire, then printed her prescription for Ozempic that same day. To be clear, advertising Ozempic off-label isn't permitted, however, with ingenuity, people can find it for weight loss. Zoe Witt, in an article, details some problems related to off-label use, including shortages for those who need the drug for survival, and unexpected side effects that have occurred, like Ozempic Face. For those not living with type-2 diabetes, Wegovy is FDA approved to help with weight management. Wegovy is meant for those who are overweight or obese and also living with another weight-related comorbidity. see: PubMed Though Wegovy was not approved for people just wanting to lose some weight, demand increased so much that… it's really no surprise, shortages did occur.
Weight Loss
According to Ozempic's Sustain Forte clinical trial, weight loss reached an average of 9.3-14.1 pounds for those taking Ozempic over one year. For Wegovy, average mean weight loss after 68 weeks (1.31 years) during the Step 1 trial was almost 16%. That translates to an individual weighing 150 shedding up to 24 lbs. Wegovy is also approved for chronic weight management for adolescents 12+. GoodRx describes how eligibility for adolescents depends on whether an adolescent's BMI is at or above the 95% percentile for their sex and age. Study and trial subjects were encouraged to select healthy food, get plenty of exercise, and select healthy lifestyle choices. When taking the medications, we will see similar language in the patient guides.
What is Ozempic Face?
Some people believe these are miracle drugs. The miracle drug notion became really popular once social media sites started promoting a 'skinny body' look. Dieting so that people could get 'the look' corresponds to about the same time Wegovy was released, captivating those desiring to get the look by losing weight quickly. A youthful facial appearance is due to facial cells that are plumped up by a little fat (and water, too). When we start losing weight too fast—or diet without following a healthy lifestyle—we may begin to look gaunt. Skin cells in the face lose their youthful plumpness, wrinkles may appear, and the face can take on an appearance of looking older. It's even more pronounced for people who've been overweight or obese for a long time; fat loss can turn to saggy skin. Research shows that weight loss should be sought as a long-term goal. That's why trials and studies last a year and longer. But some people are taking a semaglutide medication just until they reach their desired weight, then they stop. Unfortunately, experts have found that weight can return if the drug is no longer used. It's called rebound. There is good news about rebound from the Step 1 Trial, however: Upon 52 weeks after stopping the medication, subjects weighed less than when their trial began. "Subgroups with greater weight losses from week 0 to week 68 tended to have numerically greater weight regains from week 68 to week 120, but maintained numerically greater net weight losses from week 0 to week 120." Weight loss should progress slow and steady, and with semaglutide's help, include prescribed maintenance.
Semaglutide and Side Effects
According to Harvard Health, when working to lose weight, "calorie intake shouldn't fall below 1,200/day in women or 1,500/day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional." Without enough calories, dieters may be deprived of the necessary nutrients for good health. Furthermore, once individuals lose their desired weight, they should understand that they'll need to continue the medication for maintenance. For these reasons, it is important to take the medication in consultation with a medical advisor. There are other possible side-effects for those taking semaglutide. Compared to a placebo, clinical trials have determined semaglutide's most common side effects include: Nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue, Dyspepsia, Abdominal distension, Eructation, Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in patients with type 2 diabetes, Flatulence, gastroenteritis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn). In rare instances, semaglutide medications may cause serious side effects, they include: Thyroid C-cell tumors, Acute pancreatitis, Acute gallbladder disease, Hypoglycemia Acute kidney injury (monitor renal function when initiating or escalating doses if severe adverse gastrointestinal reactions occur), Hypersensitivity, Diabetic retinopathy complications in patients with type-2 diabetes, Heart rate increase, Suicidal behavior and ideation.
Is Ozempic Face a Harmful Side Effect?
Prescription medications should be taken in consultation with your healthcare provider. A professional can review with and guide patients regarding all of a medication's side-effects, and best practices for avoiding them. The phenomenon that we now call Ozempic Face does not appear in the clinical trials. A reasonable explanation may be that trial subjects followed study protocols more closely than non-study patients. Likewise, the term does not appear as a warning, indication, or precaution. That may soon change. Professionals now recognize the phenomenon as a result of rapid weight loss. It appears, also, there's indication of lack of patient supervision. To help, doctors are posting to social media sites to provide patient education and healthy lifestyle tips.
Overcoming Ozempic Face
For those increasingly uncomfortable with their look, reaching out to a dermatologist can help. S/he may suggest soft tissue fillers that add fullness to the face. Dermal fillers can plump-up some regions of the face that appear drawn or drooping. Typically, fillers help under the eyes, chin, and cheeks. Types of FDA approved dermal fillers include collagen, hyaluronic acid gel, calcium hydroxyapatite, poly-L-lactic acid, and PMMA. Another form of filler is one's own body fat. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA), self-donated body fat doesn't require approval. Be certain to have any filler work performed by a doctor. There are risks with fillers. Possible side effects are redness, swelling, tenderness, and occasional bruising. Serious side effects typically occur with non-medical practitioners or in a non-medical setting and may include ridges and/or lumps, severe swelling, overfilling, allergic reaction, skin discoloration, and infection. Prior to getting a dermal filler, the doctor will review your health information and medications. There is also another solution, however, it is not as simple. For people who learn that their wrinkles, some sagging skin, or that premature aging cannot be improved with fillers, plastic surgery may be advised. Plastic surgery adds needed volume to the face that dermal fillers cannot create. Plastic surgery is an expensive proposition, unfortunately, and it may prompt more dieters to carefully consider tackling weight loss gradually while also making healthy lifestyle choices. Like we have learned, even when it is tough, patience is a powerful tool.

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