Shockwave therapy is a form of treatment used for treating erectile dysfunction. It is a treatment method that does not involve using pills. It makes use of sound waves, which are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This therapy works best for a specific type of erectile dysfunction, vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, due to a lack of blood flow to the penis. Shockwave therapy is a treatment used for erectile dysfunction; it is also called low-intensity shockwave therapy. It is a non-invasive therapy used in orthopedics to treat broken bones, torn ligaments, and tendons. Scroll down to read How Shockwave Therapy Works for Erectile Dysfunction.
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment option for many joint and tendon problems. During the treatment of Shockwave therapy, a doctor delivers acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue, effectively reinjuring the region and breaking up scarring that has entered tendons and ligaments.Shockwave therapy is also effective in improving wound healing. It can also help to treat erectile dysfunction. Increasing the blood flow to the penis is achieved by using shockwave therapy. Also, Read The Importance of Physiotherapy
What is shockwave therapy?

What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability or failure to get and maintain a firm erection. Having erection trouble for a prolonged period can cause mental problems like stress and affect self-confidence and other problems. There can be some underlying conditions where erectile dysfunction can be the symptom and needs to be evaluated. The symptoms of erectile dysfunction include not getting an erection, not being able to keep an erection, and reduced sexual desire. Occasional cases of erectile dysfunction are normal. Lack of sleep, Stress, Alcoholism, and other factors make it difficult to maintain an erection. However, when erectile dysfunction becomes more frequent and affects your sex life, you should visit our doctor.How does shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction work?
Shockwave therapy is given using a device that looks like a wand placed near various areas around the penis. The doctor moves the placed device along different parts of the penis for around 15 minutes, during which the device emits pulses. There is no need for anesthesia for this treatment.The pulses administered trigger more blood flow to the penis, eventually leading to erections in the penis.There is no solid evidence for the treatment period, but it is usually suggested to get this treatment twice a week for three weeks, followed by no treatment for 3-weeks, and then again for another three weeks of twice-weekly treatments. The effects of this therapy last for about a year.What are the Alternative treatments for Erectile dysfunction?
Other than shockwave therapy, the doctor will suggest you some other common treatments for Erectile dysfunction, which include:- Medications which include Viagra
- Counseling: If there are any psychological issues like stress or anxiety, they can cause erectile dysfunction; hence, you should talk to a therapist or counselor.
- Changes in lifestyle: Changing diet, exercising, and quitting smoking can also help to relieve stress and also give some relief from erectile dysfunction
Possible Risk factors and side effects of getting the therapy -
Shockwave therapy is usually not painful for most patients. There are hardly any side effects too. However, there are some side effects, and thus can not be considered that this procedure is completely safe.Cost of shockwave therapy for Erectile Dysfunction -
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive method generally not prescribed much by doctors. Hence, the costs are, on average, around Rs. 37000 per session.Read Also: How to cure erectile dysfunction?Conclusion -
Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in which a person fails to get an erection or cannot maintain an erection, thus causing multiple issues, including physical and psychological. Sometimes, drinking alcohol, stress, anxiety, depression, or tiredness can cause erectile dysfunction. However, when this occurs frequently, one needs to see a doctor. There are several treatments available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. One such treatment option is shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for treating erectile dysfunction. It works by applying a small device that looks like a wand on various parts of the penis, and it uses targeted sound waves to enhance blood flow toward the penis and stimulate the penile tissue. People who get shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction see benefits within two to three months. There is no published research or statistical data which suggests how long the duration of the treatment will last.Also Read: What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction
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