
15 Side Effects of IUDs and Tips to Fix Them.

Are you feeling concerned about potential IUD side effects? Our guide outlines 15 potential side effects of IUD, as well as providing tips on how to fix them.

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IUD is an intrauterine device in the T shape placed inside the uterus. It can help prevent pregnancies and is a lasting birth control prevention method. IUDs are reliable and protect against pregnancies. The best part is that they are reversible. You can remove an IUD the same way your doctor inserted it. Many women tend to use these devices for childbirth management. IUDs are the most comfortable birth control option, but they have some side effects. This blog will mention 15 side effects of IUDs and suggest some tips to fix them. If you have any doubts about this, you should contact your doctor.  Also Read: Implant for Birth Control: Procedure, benefits, and disadvantage

The 15 most common side effect that can be caused after the insertion of an IUD includes the following:

IUD side effects
  1. Pain is one of the side effects of inserting an IUD into the body and can vary from high to low grades in pain level. Pain can also be during the first period after the insertion of the IUD.
  2. Cramping is normal in periods; however, the pain could increase when an IUD is inserted into the body. Along with pain, the cramping could be from severe to light.
  3. Many females can witness increased or heavier bleeding after IUDs are inserted into the uterus. Thus, one should keep this mild so that the bleeding can increase after inserting hormonal or copper IUDs.
  4. Dizziness is another side effect of an IUD. That can be due to heavy bleeding or increased cramping. If the dizziness is causing lifestyle changes, you should get in touch with your doctor.
  5. Sometimes the bleeding after the insertion of IUDs will not be there, or there will be less or no bleeding, especially during the first period after the insertion of IUDs.
  6. A common side effect will also be a missed period that can be marked after inserting an intrauterine device into the uterus. Get in touch with your doctor if this continues for over a month.
  7. A common side effect that can be experienced after the insertion of an IUD is the development of cysts in the ovaries. That can result in PCOD and PCOS.
  8. After the insertion of the IUDs in the body, there can be a sign of bleeding or spotting on the panties or bleeding. There can also be irregular bleeding for the birth few months.
  9. You can experience different kinds of symptoms with varying types of IUDs. The IUD copper can show heavier periods and more cramps.
  10. The different kinds of progestin IUDs can experience lighter and shorter periods
  11. Sometimes one can experience no periods at all after the insertion of IUDs.
  12. There can be varied symptoms of IUDs that can be similar to PMS. These can include various moods, acne, nausea, and breast tenderness that are majorly seen with the inter uterine devices of the hormonal type.
  13. Infection can result from bacteria entering the cervix of the uterus and is the most common in the first few days after the insertion of IUDs in the uterus.
  14. Embedment happens when the IUD gets attached to the uterus's walls and is very common. It is many times seen with breastfeeding mothers.
  15. Perforation is the accumulation of the IUD in the walls of the uterus. That can also result in the feeling of dizziness and headaches or migraine.
Though IUDs have many side effects, the benefits of their insertion can be equally important. So we have also mentioned these in this blog.

How can one manage the side effects caused by IUDs?

The side effects of most IUDs can occur in the first few months of the insertion of the IUD. Some of the ways that you can treat IUDs are-
  1. Taking over-the-counter medications can help relieve the pain caused by inserting IUDs. These medications are common painkillers like ibuprofen, but they can help reduce pain.
  2. Applying warm and moist heat to the pelvic floor can also help manage the pain symptoms. Use the heat on the belly button, which can help relieve the pain from cramping and discomfort of the IUD.
  3. Wearing loose-fitted clothes and comfortable clothes can help prevent the side effects of this condition.
  4. Another comfort can be enjoying your favorite soups to get the nutrition required to recover from the condition.
  5. You can also try to include some pelvic floor exercises in your routine. They can help provide the strength that you need while carrying an IUD.
  6. Wearing panty liners can help absorb any bleeding or spotting on the panty. These pads and panty liners can help deal with the bleeding in the body.
  7. One of the easiest ways to manage the side effects of IUDs is by managing stress. Overthinking can lead to the severity of these side effects. 
  8. The simplest way of managing stress is via meditation and performing some yoga poses that can relieve pelvic pain.
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Though there are many side effects of intrauterine devices, the benefits outweigh the risk. These benefits can include the following-

  1. Longer-term relief from popping pills and no daily action required.
  2. The effectiveness of an IUD is as high as 99% or more. And they are to be inserted just once.
  3. There are no complications or hormonal changes seen in the copper IUDs.
  4. One can get an IUD inserted into the uterus after a miscarriage, abortion, or childbirth. 
  5. These devices can be used at all times during delivery.
  6. They can be removed as per the needs of the patients or if they want to switch to other forms of birth control options.
  7. The IUDs are reversible and a better option than a surgical procedure for managing childbirths.
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IUDs have many side effects, and 15 are mentioned in this blog. Some side effects can include pain, cramping, and uterine bleeding. Though many side effects of IUDs are mentioned in this blog, we recommend them because they are comfortable, reversible, and most sort out a portion for birth control and management. You should contact your doctor if you are worried about severe side effects or experiencing extreme conditions after inserting IUDs in the uterus. Read Also: Indian Women & Birth Control

Frequently Asked Questions

When to call a doctor if you have side effects from IUDs?

You can get in touch with your doctor if you are pregnant or notice any changes in the length of the string of IUDs. You can also experience changes in the length of cramps and pain during periods and heavy or lasting bleeding in the vagina.

How to stop the side effects of IUDs?

You can stop the side effects of intrauterine devices after the first few weeks of inserting IUDs and can manage the side effects by taking pain-relieving medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen. You can find these medications at the chemist's shop.

What are the side effects of IUDs made with copper that one should expect?

Some side effects of the copper IUDs are spotting in the periods, irregular periods, heavier or more extended periods, and cramping when IUDs are placed in the vagina. Cramping can also be seen a few days after the insertion of IUDs.

What is the most common complication of an IUD?

The most common side effect of the insertion of an IUD is an infection. IUDs can cause infection after the insertion process. The chances of infection are there but can be removed without the removal of the IUD.

When will the side effects of IUDs go away?

The side effects of the IUDs can go away after three to six months of the insertion into the body. However, getting used to IUDs can take a good few months, and there can be chances of developing side effects even after that.