A large percentage of couples in America are having fertility problems. It pertains to difficulty in bearing a child and miscarriages due to many factors. Finding out the causes of infertility can be challenging in some cases. However, there is a treatment that would make conceiving possible but not 100% guaranteed. Consulting a doctor may help with infertility issues through a wide variety of treatments. All couples are encouraged to seek professional advice to keep them guided in forming a family. There are more things that you should know about fertility checkups, so read this post.
Here is a list of visible signs that a couple may be experiencing fertility issues:
When to Consult Experts?
The most crucial part of getting married is family planning. Having children is the ultimate goal of a married couple but some could not conceive which often results in a broken relationship. Nonetheless, taking a fertility test before marriage plays a vital role to ensure that the couple can bear a child. Such an assurance adds up the confidence to pursue marriage. The advantage of an early fertility test is it increases the chance of getting pregnant. It includes a general checkup to detect any issues in the reproductive system and find treatment immediately. If after one year of marriage and active sex life and there was still no conception, it could be a sign of infertility. Experts can assess a couple's fertility after at least a year of trial. There must be no birth control for women under 35 years who undergo several times trying to conceive. While women beyond 35 of age must consult a doctor in less than a year. Women's fertility declines in the 30s resulting in lesser egg production. Failing to conceive within six months of trying requires seeking medical help. A higher pregnancy and miscarriage risk can happen to women beyond 40 years old.Common Symptoms of Infertility
Both men and women may suffer from fertility problems. It could be genetic but in most cases, infertility can be caused by severe illnesses. Some prescriptions may trigger the reproductive condition of a male or female which could develop greater risk. Medical history of breast cancer, PCOS, and sexually transmitted infections may end up in infertility problems. These are all related to the reproductive system which can cause difficulty in conceiving a child. Different medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney failure, and thyroid illness can also activate infertility. Those are chronic diseases that may put pregnant women in great danger and so consulting a doctor matters for a safe birth. It helps to monitor the entire journey so that in case of a risky condition, no one would be put to harm.Other Signs of Infertility

- Irregular Menstrual Cycle
- Miscarriages
- Erectile Dysfunction

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