Which spiders commonly bite?
The simple answer is all spiders can bite. But they will only do so when they feel they are under attack. Spiders that you may find in your home are not poisonous at all. There are only two poisonous spiders in the world and they are,- The brown recluse spider, found in the southern regions of the United States
- The black widow spider, found in the western regions of the United States
Immediate first aid for a spider bite -
When you experience a spider bite or suspect that you may be a victim of one, immediate first aid is key to avoid developing any infection on the site of the bite.- Wash the wound- wash the area with soap and water to wash off any debris or dirt around the wound.
- Use antiseptic liquid- using a cotton ball, swab the site with an antiseptic juice like Savlon. You may also make use of a 5% Povidone-iodine solution to clean the wound and kill any pathogen that may reside on it.
- Cold compress- the area around the spider bite will most likely appear inflamed or reddened. Make use of an ice pack or an ice cube wrapped in a clean cloth. Compress the area lightly until the inflammation reduces. Do this twice a day.
- Saltwater solution- If you do not immediately possess any antiseptic liquid, dissolve two tablespoons of salt in water and use this liquid to wash the area of the bite. This will immediately reduce any swelling or inflammation. Any fluid buildup due to a possible infection is drained by salt water.
Medication for spider bite treatment -
However, there is no particular medicine-based Treatment for spider bites available for a spider bite. Medication is only available for symptomatic relief and usually includes: Also, Read Deadly Malaria: Treatment & Complications1. OTC antihistamine drugs-
Diphenhydramine and Cetirizine are commonly used antihistamines to avoid inflammation and itching.2. OTC analgesics-
Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, and Diclofenac may be taken for symptomatic relief from pain, fever, and inflammation.3. Analgesic sprays-
for spider bites in an inaccessible area, use a Diclofenac and Menthol-containing spray to ease the pain.4. Antibiotic topical cream- Gentamicin cream, Soframycin cream, or Silver Sulfadiazine cream are commonly used to treat spider bites and prevent infection.5. Steroidal cream-
Corticosteroid creams such as hydrocortisone cream are used to reduce inflammation.6. Muscle relaxants-
If the muscles around the spider bite appear stiff and rigid, use a muscle relaxant such as Chlorzoxazone (Myospas) to relax the tense muscles.7. Antivenom-
Antivenom injection is administered in severe cases of poisoning to counter the effect of spider venom. This is only given when symptoms after a spider bite cause discomfort and appear severe. Also, Read 12 Natural Remedies For Dry Skin in WinterNatural & home-based Treatment for a spider bite -
Use one of these natural remedies to soothe your skin from a spider bite.1. Neem leaves-

2. Essential oils-

3. Aloe vera gel
4. Turmeric paste-

5. Oatmeal and Honey-

When should I see a doctor?
Seek immediate medical attention if:- You suspect a bite from a dangerous spider
- You have severe pain in the wound site
- You observe abdominal cramps, discomfort, or muscle stiffening in the wounded area
- You have trouble breathing; experience chest pain
Tips to avoid spider bites -
- Do not go close to a spider, especially children.
- Keep your room and workspace clean.
- Dust your surroundings regularly
- Wear gloves, and cover your hands, legs, and feet when working in your garden
- Dust your cushions and pillows before going to bed
- Spray neem oil in areas you want to keep completely free from insects.
Conclusion -
Spider bites are rare and will only occur if you intentionally invade the webs of a spider or try to attack them. It is best to avoid the presence of spiders in and around your home. It is possible to achieve this by constantly cleaning and dusting your surroundings daily. Sometimes, you may incur a spider bite when you're out in the woods on a fun adventure. In such a case, do not panic because of the bite. Cleaning the wounded area and taking an OTC painkiller do the trick and aid in Treatment for spider bites. However, there are cases of poisoning reported due to a spider bite. Be vigilant and observe the bite for any severe changes. Spider bites aren't life-threatening, but you must use your sixth sense to inform your doctor as soon as you notice things going out of hand. Or you can visit our best Doctor in IndiaFrequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I get a spider bite?
If you suspect a spider bite, wash the area with soap and swab it with an antiseptic liquid. Follow this up by applying an antibacterial cream to prevent infection in the area. If swelling persists, use an ice pack to cool the skin. This will reduce the pain and inflammation in the area.
What medication is available for a spider bite?
Medicines for a spider bite typically include OTC painkillers such as Paracetamol and antibiotic topical creams such as Soframycin and Gentamicin. These will help clear any infectious microorganisms present on the bite site.
Can I die from a spider bite?
Death is extremely rare with a spider bite. The symptoms will disappear in a day or two, even with the more poisonous spiders, such as the widow spider or the recluse spider. If symptoms such as vomiting, stomach cramps, and fever arise, consider medical help to rule out poisoning.

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