Every tenth woman over 40 is more or less severely affected by fibroids. In our USA Fibroid Center, we have set ourselves to preserve the uterus when removing fibroids with surgery. Removal of the uterus should only be carried out in exceptional cases and if necessary. For this purpose, visit us for diagnostic and interventional radiology. With non-invasive UFE fibroid treatment, we look after women who suffer from the clinical problems of uterine fibroids.Once the fibroids' location, number, and size have been clarified during the diagnostics, the women concerned receive comprehensive advice, which is particularly to determine if you are a candidate for the UFE surgery UFE surgery procedure. The specialists at the USA Fibroid Center attach great importance to offering the patient a balanced and promising UFE fibroid treatment with which the fibroid symptoms can be entirely and reliably eliminated.It doesn't always have to be an operation: a minimally invasive UFE surgery- the uterine fibroids embolization - shrinks uterine lumps.
How does UFE surgery work?
Learn compactly and understandably how UFE fibroid treatment works. UFE surgery is one of the newer forms of therapy for uterine nodules (fibroids). With this method, the fibroid is separated from the blood supply. It is "starving". Under X-ray control, we insert a catheter with a diameter of less than one millimeter through the blood vessels to the artery that supplies the fibroid with blood. The blood vessel is then sealed (embolized) with tiny plastic beads. The fibroid shrinks within a few months.Benefits of UFE fibroid treatment
This minimally invasive UFE fibroid treatment protects and preserves the uterus. The procedure is performed by experts at the USA Fibroids Centre in interventional radiology and is performed under local anesthesia. A stressful general anesthetic or an abdominal incision is not required; the inpatient stay is short.UFE side effects
Uterine fibroids are benign uterine tumors responsible for various symptoms and UFE side effects, such as prolonged or increased and increasingly painful menstrual bleeding. Depending on the severity of the fibroids, various surgical techniques (from hysterectomy to different organ-preserving techniques), hormone therapies, and minimally invasive embolization can be used as therapy.In UFE surgery, an artery in the groin is punctured under local anesthesia, and the vessels are probed with fine catheters. Once the vessel supplying the fibroid has been found, tiny plastic beads are injected into the vein through the catheter to close it. The artificial closure of the vessel cuts off the blood supply, and the fibroid dies. Since this UFE fibroid treatment can be accompanied by pain, bleeding, and fever in the short term, the therapy is carried out under inpatient conditions to ensure adequate pain therapy and clinical monitoring.Benefits of UFE surgery:
UFE surgery is a fantastic option for those dealing with uterine fibroids. This procedure reduces fibroids' size, bringing substantial relief from discomforts like pelvic pain and heavy bleeding. This minimally invasive approach offers a shorter recovery than traditional surgery and may not require overnight hospitalization. Consulting with a physician is critical to explore whether this solution is right for you. We are excited about UFE surgery's potential benefits and encourage anyone dealing with fibroids to consider this option.The indication for UFE surgery is made in close cooperation with our associates since the optimal procedure has to be planned and discussed for each patient.Suppose you're considering the surgery procedure. In that case, we want you to be informed about the possible UFE side effects, but we also want you to know that they are typically temporary. While some women may experience cramping, pelvic pain, and nausea in the days following the procedure, these symptoms usually subside within a week or two. It's also possible to have a fever and feel tired or weak for a few days, but this is a normal part of the healing process. We understand your concerns, but we want you to feel confident in your decision to undergo UFE surgery. Our healthcare providers are here to support you. Schedule your appointment at the USA Fibroids Centre. Categorized into General Health

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