
What are the Effect of Abortion Pills on Future Pregnancy?

In the states of Bihar and Jharkhand, 549 unmarried women between the ages of 15 and 24 unmarried women had abortion, according to a survey performed in 2007-2008.

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Permission is granted for medical and surgical situations of pregnancies caused by incest, sexual assault, failed contraception, and substantial bodily injury to the baby, mother, or both, according to the statute. In the states of Bihar and Jharkhand, 549 unmarried women between the ages of 15 and 24  unmarried women had abortions, according to a survey performed in 2007-2008. According to a research published in Guttmacher, India has roughly 15.6 million abortions every year. In a separate research done at the same time among unmarried female college students, it was discovered that 9% of women reported an unexpected pregnancy, the circumstances of which were not clearly specified. According to studies done in the 1970s and 1980s, young unmarried women account for 20-30% of all abortion instances. The majority of these Unmarried women are members of a particularly vulnerable category who seek abortions in the second trimester. According to the same study, 59 percent of unmarried women had abortions in their second trimester, whereas just 26% of married women had abortions in their second trimester. If the lady is single and over the age of 18, the doctor simply requires her written agreement. If the unmarried lady is under the age of 18, a guardian's written agreement is required before the abortion can be performed. Unmarried women should understand that the decision to keep or abort a child is entirely up to them. Nobody can force any woman, married or single, to undergo an abortion, whether inside or outside the family. Anyone who compels a woman to get an abortion or performs one without her permission can be sentenced to ten years in jail and a fine. If the unmarried mother of the unborn baby decides to have an abortion, she can seek medical advice from any licenced obstetrician and gynaecologist. In India, medication abortion with an MTP kit has been used legally for more than 20 years. Serious complications are extremely uncommon, but they do occur. These are some of them:
  • The abortion pills are ineffective, and the pregnancy continues.
  • Any pregnancy tissue is already present in your uterus.
  • Your uterus has blood clots.
  • Too much or too long bleeding
  • Infection
  • One of the drugs caused an allergic reaction.
These aren't normal issues. And if they do occur, they are normally treatable with medication or other therapies.  Some complications can be very severe or even life-threatening in very rare cases. If you have any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor or a health center right away:
  • within 24 hours after taking the second RU486 drug, there is no bleeding (misoprostol)
  • have intense vaginal bleeding that soaks through two or more maxi pads in an hour, for two or more hours in a row
  • For more than 2 hours, transfer huge clots (larger than a lemon).
  • get stomach pains or cramps that don't go away while taking pain relievers
  • more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol, you have a temperature of 100.4 or higher

Can abortion pills affect pregnancy in the future?

  • The pill for abortion is extremely safe and secure to help  unmarried women had abortions. It's a very popular method of abortion, and millions of people have successfully used it.
  • There is no danger to your potential pregnancies or general health unless there is a rare and critical complication that is not handled. Abortion does not affect your pregnancy or increases your risk of breast cancer. It does not result in birth defects, premature birth, or low birth weight, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, or child mortality in subsequent pregnancies.
  • Severe, long-term emotional issues after an abortion are extremely rare, almost as rare as they are following childbirth. They are more likely to occur in women who are forced to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons, people who lack support in their decision to have an abortion or people who have a history of mental health issues. After an abortion, the majority of people feel relieved.
  • There are many misconceptions regarding the consequences of abortion. Your nurse or doctor will provide you with the details on the side effects of abortion pills, as well as any other questions you might have.

Where can you get the abortion pills?

Many Planned Parenthood health centers provide medication abortion (also known as the abortion pill). The compassionate doctors and nurses are experts at performing safe abortions and offering nonjudgmental care during the procedure. You should ask for more details about where to get the abortion pill in your region if your local Planned Parenthood does not have it. Be wary of "crisis pregnancy centers" when searching for a place to get an abortion. These fake clinics appear to be medical facilities that have abortions or other pregnancy options, but they are simply run by people who want to intimidate or shame people into not having abortions.

What are the risks caused by abortion?

Abortion is a low-risk operation, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). The chance of dying as a result of abortion is less than one in 100,000. The risk of complications increases as a woman's pregnancy progresses; moreover, the risk of death after giving birth is 14 times higher than the risk of death after an early abortion. The following are some of the possible abortion complications:
  • Bleeding: Following an abortion, a woman can experience bleeding. Usually, the blood loss isn't severe enough to be considered a medical emergency. A woman can, on rare occasions, bleed to the point of needing a blood transfusion.
  • When an abortion is incomplete, tissue or other products of pregnancy can remain in the uterus, necessitating a D&C procedure to remove the remaining tissue. When a person takes drugs for an abortion, the risk of this increases.
  • Infection: Antibiotics are normally provided before an abortion to reduce the possibility of infection.
  • Injury to nearby organs: During an abortion, a doctor can inadvertently injure nearby organs. The uterus and bladder are two examples. The likelihood of this happening rises as a woman's pregnancy progresses.
In theory, something that induces uterine inflammation can interfere with future fertility. It is, however, extremely unlikely to occur. Get in touch with Lotus hospital if you want to get cured in the right manner. 
Tagged in Abortion, Baby