
What Happens If You Don't Get second Shingrix Shot?

There are two doses of Shingrix that have shown effective results. It's most effective for older adults, typically around 50. Many people get the first dose but sometimes miss the second one and ask what happens If you don't get second Shingrix shot. Missing the second Shingrix shot can make you susceptible to shingles and its associated problems.

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What might happen if you skip the second dose of your Shingrix shot? You’re not alone. Many people get the first shot but then miss out on the second one, thinking it's not a big deal. 

But is it safe to skip it? The Shingrix vaccine is designed to protect you from shingles, a painful and often serious condition. But just one shot might not give you the full protection you need.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises all persons 50 years of age and over, as well as those who are immunocompromised (have a damaged immune system) and younger than 19, to have the highly effective Shingrix vaccine. 

Learn more about the shingles vaccination, including what to expect, why it's given in two doses, and what happens if you don't get a second Shingrix shot.

What happens if you don't get second Shingrix shot?

If you miss the second Shingrix shot on time, you might not be fully protected from shingles and its problems. The second shot helps your body fight off shingles better and for a long time. Without it, you might not be fully safe, and shingles could still be a risk. 

But if you're running late (more than six months since your first dose), you don't need to start again. Your protection from shingles won't drop significantly. So, get that second shot when you can, and you should still be well-protected.

The CDC and Immunization Action Coalition, the two most reliable sources on the subject, advise doing the following:

  • Try to get your second vaccine dose as soon as possible by actively looking for it. (using the internet vaccine finder tool can be helpful).

  • There's no need to resume the vaccination series.

  • Do not take your second dosage of the herpes vaccination (Zostavax) instead of the other one.

Why Are There Two Doses of Shingrix Administered?

Two doses of Shingrix are usually administered because they are more effective than one. Receiving two doses will provide more significant protection for older individuals who are more susceptible to the consequences of shingles, including postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which can lead to persistent and severe nerve pain, visual loss, and pneumonia. Commonly, nerve pain treatment is quite difficult to treat.

According to a study, persons over 65 who took two doses of Shingrix compared to one dose had a substantially lower risk of developing PHN or shingles. Adults over 80 and those with weakened immune systems also benefited from improved protection against shingles complications while taking two doses of Shingrix.

Earlier, elderly and immunocompromised persons were recommended to have the live zoster vaccination, Zostavax, to avoid shingles, postherpetic neural disease (PHN), and other health issues connected to shingles. Since Zostavax is a live vaccine, the herpes zoster virus is present in a weakened form. Shingrix only utilizes a small portion of the virus as a recombinant vaccine.

Shingrix was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017 to prevent shingles and its associated consequences. The United States no longer has access to Zostavax. Shingrix should now be administered to those who previously received Zostavax.

Who Should Get Shingrix?

Anyone who has suffered from chickenpox may subsequently experience shingles. Still, getting the shingles vaccine is essential for older persons and those with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or kidney illness.

If you match the CDC criteria, you should receive two doses of Shingrix, regardless of whether you have ever had Zostavax or chickenpox.

When is the best time to take the second dose?

The CDC advises adults 50 years of age and above to take another dose of Shingrix two to six months after the first one. It is safe to take Shingrix again immediately if it has been more than six months after your initial dosage. The majority of folks don't require a second dosage.

Some immunocompromised people could require a second dosage within a month to two months. It is advised that if you have a disease or are on a drug that weakens your immunity, consult your doctor on the right time to take your two doses of the shingles vaccination. Healthcare should also recommend booster drinks to enhance the body’s immune system.

Is the Vaccine No Longer Effective?

Whether receiving your second dose of the Shingrix vaccine later reduces its effectiveness is not known with certainty. You should keep seeking the second dose of Shingrix and get it as soon as possible, as we know that it is required to strengthen your immune system to the point where it can be most successful in avoiding an outbreak of shingles.

Most studies suggest that if it has been more than six months, there should be little to no loss of efficacy as long as you take your second dose as soon as feasible.

It's unknown, but one study indicates that your second dose could only be as successful if you have received it 12 months after the first one.

To maximize the likelihood that the second dose will be completely effective, stick to the CDC's instructions and keep searching for the opportunity to administer it as soon as possible.

Who Should Not Get the Vaccine?

For most people, taking two doses of Shingrix is safe. However, before receiving the shingles vaccine, you ought to consult your doctor if:

  • You are carrying a child.

  • As of right now, you have shingles.

  • You are extremely allergic to any ingredient in Shingrix.

  • You have noticed an intense allergic reaction to Shingrix.

Vaccination against shingles is generally safe if you have a moderate illness, like a cold. You should hold off on taking your next Shingrix dose if you are very or moderately sick.

Even if you don't recall ever getting the chickenpox virus or already had shingles, you should still get the vaccine. You can avoid getting shingles again in the future by using Shingrix.

When to Consult a Medical Professional?

The Shingrix has minor to moderate side reactions that are self-limiting most of the time in the general population. Although the safety profile of Shingrix is favorable, it has some serious adverse effects more frequently than Recombivax. Within a few minutes or hours of taking your second Shingrix dose, if you notice any severe adverse reaction symptoms, such as: Within a few minutes or hours of taking your second Shingrix dose, if you notice any severe adverse reaction symptoms, such as:

  • Fast heart rate.

  • Feeling dizzy.

  • Weakening of muscles.

  • Raised welts or hives.

  • Breathing problems.

  • Facial edema.

  • Bulging of the lips or the throat.

It is also important for you to tell the doctor if your side effects with Shingrix are very bad or if they are still present after some time alone. Side effects of Shingrix occur most of the time within two to three days after administration of the drug. Also, gallop is a side effect that requires attention from the patient during its occurrence as well as in its prevention.

The side effects reported most often are injection site reactions, such as erythema, pain, or swelling, followed by others which include headache, drowsiness, nausea, etc. It is just a fact that these side effects tend to cease or lessen in severity when one stops the use of the product or takes it with other non-prescription drugs such as Advil (ibuprofen).

Final Thoughts

To be protected from the shingles, the patient needs to take the Shingrix vaccine twice. With the first shot in place, get some measure of protection but it is through the second shot that one can have the immunity needed to protect one from the virus. Skipping the second dose might leave you vulnerable to shingles and its painful complications. 

So, if you’ve missed your second shot, talk to your doctor about getting it as soon as possible. Protect yourself fully—your future self will thank you

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still get the second shot if I missed it?

Yes, you can still get it; talk to your doctor about scheduling it.

How long after the first shot should I get the second one?

The second shot is usually given 2 to 6 months after the first.

Does Shingrix have side effects?

Yes, some people may have mild side effects like soreness or tiredness.

Is Shingrix necessary if I've already had shingles?

Yes, it’s recommended to get Shingrix even if you've had shingles before.

How many shots do you need for Shingrix?

You need two shots for full protection.

What happens if I skip the second Shingrix shot?

Skipping the second shot may leave you less protected against shingles.