
What Is In-Person Schooling?

The pandemic created new definitions of schooling, like in-person schooling, which had not been defined before. In-person schooling

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Schooling models have changed significantly over the past few decades and much more since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic created new definitions of schooling, like in-person schooling, which had not been defined before. In-person schooling is a relatively old educational model that is currently in jeopardy because of new adaptations to COVID-19.

History and Definition of In-Person Schooling

The physical classroom can be dated back to the times of ancient civilizations, where students sat under the tutelage of prominent scholars of their time to acquire knowledge. These ancient setups are the backdrop on which some of the principles and ideologies of the modern classroom are based. For instance, bringing together the tutor and the student within the same space for learning is birthed from this ancient system. When tutors teach students while confined to the same space, this interaction is called in-person schooling.

Forms of In-Person Schooling

In-person schooling has evolved over the years, with various forms of the learning system arising every few years. One form of this system is the traditional one-tutor-many-students model, in which a group of students studying the same subject is taught by the same tutor. In turn, it is becoming popular to use of writing services, such as

Benefits of In-Person Schooling

In-person schooling has been lauded as a more preferred education model compared to new and emerging models that utilize technology, like online learning. For students struggling with academics, in-person schooling is a better way of ensuring that they are getting quality instruction without the added pressure of easily getting distracted. Beyond having better concentration, these students can also interact with the tutor more closely and seek clarifications or ask questions when they feel stranded as they learn in the physical classroom.

Tutoring and Writing Centers as Models of In-Person Learning

Even though many tutoring and writing centers now have online platforms to facilitate their mandate of helping students because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were initially designed under the in-person schooling model. It is because their model is aimed at giving students who need academic help sufficient interactions with tutors where they can ask questions and develop their research and writing skills. Tutoring and writing centers function best when students feel that they have better access to the tutor and physical engagement.

Barriers of In-Person Schooling

Until recently, the only barriers faced by in-person schooling were resource and personnel-related, including natural and man-made phenomena. However, with COVID-19 negatively impacting the education sector and resulting in school closures, new barriers to this education system are coming to light. The pandemic highlighted newer threats to in-person schooling that the education sector has not adequately prepared for. It is now apparent that widespread disease is a bigger barrier to education than aspects, like income inequalities.

In conclusion, while in-person schooling is not a completely new educational model, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the prevalence of the term. The pandemic brought with it new learning models, necessitating the classification and definition of the models that existed before. In-person schooling happens when learners and tutors are in the same space. 

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