A PCV test is used to identify the body's volume of Red Blood cells. A PCV cell will show an increased number of cells when the total volume of RBCs increases in case of dehydration. Conversely, a PCV test shows a decreased number of cells when the total volume of RBCs is reduced in case of anemia. Other conditions leading to a different set of packed cells can be haemodilution or during pregnancy. Let's find out more about what is PCV in blood test.
What is PCV in blood test?
A PCV test, also known as a hematocrit test, helps identify a number of red blood cells. Usually, the blood count is essential to diagnose a person's polycythemia, anemia, or dehydration.
How to interpret the results of the hematocrit or packed cell volume test?
A Hematocrit test result can depend on factors like age, sex, and pregnancy status of the patients. The cutoff value for expected test results is in a different reference range and can also depend on the laboratory methods used to conduct the test. Since there are many reasons for which the result can be dependent, it is essential to talk to a doctor to understand your results.
- These are some of the points that should be kept in mind while dealing with PCV tests. A packed cell volume lower than usual can signal that the body does not have red blood cells. In addition, there are specific anemic conditions that different medical conditions can cause.
- Suppose the body is producing too many white blood cells. In that case, it can be caused by the production of white blood cells in conditions like leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma or cancer that can be spread to the bone marrow and other parts of the body.
- A packed cell volume level is higher than average and can signify that the body is making too many red blood cells. That can be in conditions like dehydration, heart disease, heart failure, polycythemia, or lung disease.
- The plasm level in the blood should be caused by dehydration or hematocrit shock.
If the results are not in the normal range, then it does not have to mean that you have a medical condition. However, living at high altitudes can result in fewer oxygen levels, making more red blood cells, and getting the required oxygen that the body needs. In pregnancy, there can be low packed cell volume due to more fluid than in a normal pregnancy, which decreases the percentage of red blood cells.
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What are normal levels of Packed Cell Volume test results?
The average levels of packed cell volume test are - Male - 41-50% Female - 36-44% Normal ranges can be different in different laboratories. In addition, some of the laboratories use other measures that can result in different results. Speak to an advisor about the meaning of your specific test.
What Does A Low PCV Reading suggest?
There can be many reasons for the contribution of a low reading of PCV in blood tests.
- Bleeding during periods or otherwise can result in a low PCV reading.
- Nutritional Deficiencies of iron or vitamins can result in a low reading.
- Many inflammatory or kidney-related conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or kidney failure can result in a lower reading.
- Hemolysis, or the disease in which RBCs are destroyed, and the immune system will result in many damages or inherited abnormalities in the RBCs.
- Liver cirrhosis due to excessive alcoholism can also result in a low PCV count.
- Medicines or chemotherapy can also suggest a low PCV count.
- One of the most common causes of heightened PCV is dehydration, a condition called polycythemia.
- Many syndromes like lymphoma, bone marrow disorder, or myeloma, myelodysplastic can result in a low PCV.
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What to expect from a Packed Cell Volume or Hematocrit test?
These conditions can be expected when taking a Packed volume test.
- Sit comfortably in a chair and put your arm on a side table. The technician will then look for a vein in the inner part of the arm or on another side of the pillow.
- One vein is located. The vein can get clean, and the disinfectant area can be cleaned with an alcohol swab.
- Then a needle is inserted into the vein, and the blood is drawn. It feels like a small pinch.
- After that, a needle collects the blood in a test tube.
- When enough blood is collected, the needle is removed, and the pricked side is cleaned with a cotton ball.
- They will apply a band-aid on the pricked site and send the sample to the labs for getting tested.
Also, Read MCHC Blood Test Low - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.
Summary -
Packed cell Volume helps the doctor understand the volume of cells in healthy Red blood cell-producing humans. The test result can help doctors understand the causes of a low or high count of red blood cells. For example, this low reading can indicate lesser production of RBCs in case of anemia or an increased assignment in case of dehydration or polycythemia. The patients need to understand the causes of different readings than the normal range. Then, they can consult their doctor or lab technician to check the normal range of blood cells.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to find out if your PVC is low?
The symptoms of low PCV can be fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitation.
What are the treatment options for low PCV in blood test?
The treatment for low PCV is not creating enough blood cells.
Can stress affect PCV?
Acute mental stress leads to an increase in the PCV and can combine elevated plasma protein that can cause a reduction in blood plasma volume.
Can low PVC cause weight issues?
A lower blood count or anemia can cause sudden weight gain due to low energy and an underactive thyroid gland.
What is the other name for PCV?
The other name for packed cell volume or PCV is the VPRC (Volume of packed red cells) or erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF).

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