Looking to start your garden with heirloom seeds in Canada? Wondering where to buy heirloom seeds in Canada for these treasured varieties? Look no further! In this blog, we've got you covered with all the answers. From trusted retailers with a wide selection of heirloom seeds to family-owned businesses dedicated to seed preservation, we'll guide you through the top destinations to find these precious seeds. So, let's begin our quest to discover the best sources for heirloom seeds in Canada!Read Also: 14 Surprising Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
Any seed variety that has existed for over half a century (50 years) is typically considered an heirloom seed. On the other hand, some green thumb owners classify seeds cultivated before World War II as heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds indicate the seed varieties that have been around and cultivated for a long time (generations).The heirloom seeds have special characteristics that are desirable in plants. Gardeners have been saving these seeds and handing them down through generations to ensure these unique plants stay around for the coming years.Heirloom seeds are known to be open-pollinated. In other words, heirloom seeds produce plants with most of the characteristics of their parent plants, unlike generic hybrid seeds.Also Read: How to Use Chia Seed For Weight Loss : 13 Healthy Recipes
What are the heirloom seeds?

Understanding the History of Heirloom Seeds -
It has been established that heirloom seeds are old and carry an interesting history. Heirloom tomatoes, Kajari Melons, Purple Radishes, and several more heirloom varieties are available. Because of the dedicated gardeners who have been preserving and passing these unique plant seeds down through generations, we now have plants rich in history and hierarchy too.If a seed has been passed down through generations, it must have some specialty to it. These plants quality, flavor, hardiness, resilience, and beauty are exceptional. These heirloom seeds have passed several quality tests and will perform excellently in your gardens.For instance, heirlooms' tomato seeds are prized for their deliciousness and flavor, whereas other tomato varieties are less flavorful. Heirloom seeds also help in preserving biodiversity. These heirloom seeds provide us with options for raising the healthiest and most productive crops; in turn, it creates a secure and sustainable food system.Also Read: Top 7 Health Benefits of Watermelon SeedsMore about Heirloom Seeds -
Heirloom seeds are GMO-free. In other words, heirlooms are not genetically modified. Their DNA has not been artificially changed with the genes of other related species. For instance, GMAO tomatoes have genes from other plants to help them grow. However, that is different for heirloom seeds.Heirloom seeds are open-pollinated. Open pollination is when pollen is released on the ground via birds, breezes, or insects. These seeds then grow into the plants they came from, having the same characteristics as their parent plant. Whereas, if you grow hybrid plants, the pollination process will not produce a plant with the same characteristics.Heirloom Seeds VS regular market seeds -
The seeds available in the markets, generally hybrid, are produced for large-scale commercial production, and their main aim is profitability.Hybrid seeds are the cross-product of heirloom seeds; the results usually differ from expectations. It is like a gamble that can be either good or bad. The GMOs are created in a lab where the DNA of the seeds is altered to make them more resistant and disease-free.Heirloom seeds produce diverse greens with sharp flavors and rich nutrition and have been reserved for generations. Heirloom seeds, given their originality, and no artificial interferences, clearly stand to be a superior choice of seeds.Read Also: Do Apple Seeds Contain Cyanide?Where can you buy Heirloom Seeds in Canada?
Several options are available if you buy heirloom seeds in Canada. Here are some places where you can find heirloom seeds:Local Seed Companies:
Check with local seed companies or nurseries. They often carry a variety of heirloom seeds specific to your region. With their expertise and dedication to preserving heirloom varieties, you can embark on a gardening journey that connects you to the rich agricultural heritage of your area.Online Seed Retailers:
Numerous online seed retailers specialize in heirloom seeds. Some popular Canadian options include West Coast Seeds, Richter Herbs, and Urban Harvest. You can check quality by checking customer reviews and ratings online.Seed Exchanges:
Participating in seed exchanges or libraries is another great way to obtain heirloom seeds. These community-driven initiatives foster a spirit of collaboration among gardeners, enabling the sharing and trading of diverse seed varieties. By participating in these exchanges, you expand your seed collection and contribute to the preservation and promotion of heirloom plants.Organic Food Stores and Farmers' Markets:
Some organic food stores and farmers' markets may sell heirloom seeds alongside their produce. Local gardening associations or events like seed swaps and plant sales often feature vendors who sell heirloom seeds.Remember to verify the reputation and reliability of the seller before making a purchase. It's also advisable to choose seeds that are suited to your specific growing conditions and gardening goals.Read Also: How To Purchase Viagra in Canada: Do You Need A Prescription?Top Retailers for Heirloom Seeds in Canada -
West Coast Seeds -
West Coast Seeds is one of the best seed shops in Canada. They provide a wealth of untreated, organic, and non-GMO vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flower seeds. Their website, too, is easy to navigate and filled with sufficient pictorial representation. They also have a lot of helpful tips and advice for eager gardeners (whether beginners or advanced).Heritage Harvest Seed -
Heritage Harvest Seeds seeds are open-pollinated, non-hybrid, non-GMO, untreated, natural seeds. They have a humble catalogue, but their seeds are top quality and have rare options.Stokes Seeds -
Stokes is an heirloom seed company based out of Ontario. They have a great selection of seeds and provide a catalogue to make ordering easier.Salt Spring Seeds
A small seed company runs out of Salt Spring Island, specialising in heritage and heirloom open-pollinated and non-GMO seed varieties of vegetables and plants. Slat Spring Island is one of the best spots on the western coast. The people are full of love and guaranteed to give you a great product.Hope Seeds -
Hope Seeds is a small seed company that runs out of Nova Scotia. They grow what they sell. This proves they prioritise selling seeds to those who grow their food and food for others in their communities. They are supporters of organic farming.Urban Harvest -
With a focus on urban gardening, Urban Harvest offers a variety of heirloom vegetable and herb seeds suited for small-scale and container gardening. They promote sustainable and organic gardening practices. Urban Harvest offers a range of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds suitable for Canadian gardens. Categorized into General Health

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