General Healthcare


Is cholera contagious?

  • 1 people answered

Divya Garg

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 27 July 202215 August 2022 at 15:50

The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water. The infection is not likely to spread directly from one person to another; therefore, casual contact wit

Divya Garg

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 27 July 202215 August 2022 at 15:50

A healthy oxygen saturation level ranges between 95% and 100% . If a person's levels drop below this range, they may experience symptoms associated with a lack of oxygen, such as trouble breathing and

General Healthcare


What is viral fever?

  • 1 people answered

Divya Garg

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 27 July 202214 August 2022 at 15:50

A viral fever refers to any fever that results from a viral infection, such as the flu or dengue fever. While most viral fevers resolve on their own within a day or two, some are more severe and requi

General Healthcare

Divya Garg

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 27 July 202214 August 2022 at 15:50

Some of the primary symptoms to look for in a Covid 19 infected person are fever, dizziness, breathlessness, headache, dry cough ( eventually result in phlegm) and in a few cases loss in smell and tas