Please mention site of ‘chaale’. If they are inside of oral cavity, then they are called oral ulcers and treatment is daily dose of vitamin b12 and local application of smyle gel. Also, avoid spicy food. Please see a dentist in case they bleed or your gums bleed.
A sphygmomanometer a.k.a. A blood pressure monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a mercury or aneroid manometer to measure the pressure. Manual sp....
Dear All, Do you mean Hormone Replacement Therapy? Kindly get in touch with our medical expert on 8010994994 for better assessment as this is done for women only.
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Verified Doctorpatient would need cardiopulmonary by pass as it is a case of multiple blockages. survival rate of CABG is 90-95%.