Laparoscopic cholecystectomy or gallbladder stone surgery involves using a laparoscope to remove your damaged gallbladder through 3 to 4 tiny incisions (cuts) on your belly. The surgeon can perform open surgery and minimally invasive surgery. Painless Gallbladder stone surgery costs in Bangalore may differ in two different hospitals. You can find a low-cost Laparoscopic cholecystectomy hospital on Credihealth.
এমবিবিএস, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ক্যান্সার ফেলোশিপ, ফেলোশিপ
পরামর্শদাতা - সার্জিকাল অনকোলজি
21 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর, 0 পুরস্কার
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
এমবিবিএস, MD - অভ্যন্তরীণ মেডিসিন, ডিএম - গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
পরামর্শদাতা - গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
21 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
এমবিবিএস, এমডি - জেনারেল মেডিসিন, DM - মেডিকেল গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
পরামর্শদাতা - মেডিকেল গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
22 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - জেনারেল সার্জারি, DNB - অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
পরামর্শদাতা - সার্জিকাল গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
16 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - সাধারণ অস্ত্রোপচার, এমসিএইচ - সার্জিকাল গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
পরামর্শদাতা - সার্জিকাল গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
25 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
Credihealth provides online medical assistance and answers for all queries about Gallbladder Surgery test cost in bangalore. Select from a vast list of hospitals, screen through doctors, OPD schedules and obtain validated information. Get offers and discounts on Open Cholecystectomy cost in bangalore. Book an appointment now.
এ ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক চালেলেসাইটেকোমি এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 68,500 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in বেঙ্গালুরু may range from Rs. 68,500 to Rs. 1,37,000.
This procedure is indicated by gastroenterologists based on the diagnosis of a patient. The surgery is used for the treatment of:
Gallbladder inflammation
Large polyps
Pancreas inflammation
Biliary dyskinesia
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a very common procedure. Nonetheless, there are certain guidelines one must follow before the operation:
Fasting: You will be expected to not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of surgery.
Medications: You should inform your doctor about the medications you would be taking during the time of surgery. You may be asked to stop them for the meantime.
Allergy: General anesthesia is used in this procedure. If you have any allergies, you should tell your doctor about the same.
First, you will be given general anesthesia. Due to this, the patient will remain in a sleepy state throughout the surgery. The surgeon will make four small incisions in the abdomen. Then the surgeon will use one of the incisions to insert a tube with an attached small video camera. This device is known as a laparoscope. The other incisions are used by the surgeon to operate on the body. Through the video camera, the surgeon views the inside and removes the gallbladder.
The first immediate step taken by the surgeon post-surgery is the stitching up of incisions. After the operation is complete, you can expect the following:
You may feel some discomfort and pain on the surgical site
The medical and paramedical staff will give you instructions on your medicines
You may feel nauseated after the surgery
You can expect to recover fully within a week
You should avoid heavy exercises until two weeks after the procedure
After this surgery, no major dietary restrictions are there
Some risks are involved with any kind of surgery. So is the case with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Common risks and complications are:
Infections at the surgical site
Blood clots
Heart problems
Injury to the bile duct or small intestine
Bile leak
For more information on laparoscopic cholecystectomy cost in Bangalore, contact Credihealth Medical Experts at 8010-994-994
A: Yes. Most insurance companies in Bangalore pay for the cost of gallbladder removal operations.
A: A laparoscopic cholecystectomy often requires one to two days in the hospital.
A: After gallstone removal surgery, recuperation typically lasts 3 to 4 weeks.
A: Under anesthesia, gallstone surgery is carried out. As a result, the surgery does not cause the patients any discomfort.
A: Gallstones typically have no symptoms, so those with them can go about their regular lives without problems. Gallstones, however, can, in very extreme situations, eventually cause the tissues in the gallbladder to degenerate, resulting in gangrene.