এমবিবিএস, ডিপ্লোমা - অ্যানাস্থেসিওলজি, DNB - সার্জারি
অনারারি পরামর্শদাতা - এন্ডোভাসকুলার সার্জারি
27 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
রক্তনালীর শল্যচিকিৎসা
এমবিবিএস, এমএস (অস্ত্রোপচার)
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - সাধারণ এবং ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক সার্জারি
42 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - সাধারণ অস্ত্রোপচার, ফেলোশিপ
পরামর্শদাতা - সাধারণ এবং জিআই সার্জারি
16 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট, FIAGES
এইচওডি এবং পরামর্শদাতা - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস সার্জারি, ব্যারিট্রিক এবং বিপাকীয় সার্জারি এবং গ্যাস্ট্রোইনটেস্টাইনাল সার্জারি
36 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা এবং এইচওডি - সাধারণ সার্জারি
46 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
সাধারণ শল্য চিকিৎসা
এ Chemoport এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 25,000 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Chemoport in নতুন দিল্লি may range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000.
A: Doctors recommend the placement of a chemo port for various purposes. There are various advantages of having this procedure. These include:
A: In a chemo port, the surgeon inserts a round disc inside your skin by making incisions. The port is then attached to a catheter tube. After placing the port in its place, the doctor checks it through an X-rays. The port is used for delivering chemotherapy drugs afterward.
A: Though chemo port is a safe procedure when performed by medical experts, some risks and complications can occur. These include:
A: The chemo port procedure is of three kinds. The process of the operation depends on the type of port. Before the surgeon commences the surgery, he/she would give you anesthesia to numb the pain. Types of chemo port: PICC Line- PICC stands for Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. This catheter is inserted into the arm of a patient. A large vein in the elbow region is used for the implant. The port is placed under the skin of the chest. One end of the catheter is inserted into the vein of the arm. Central Line- This is also known as a tunneled venous catheter or Hickman catheter. A large vein under the collarbone is used to insert the catheter tube. One end of the tube is inserted through the collarbone while the other end exists through a different point in the upper chest region. Port-a-cath- The port is put inside the skin from under your chest or upper arm. In this procedure, the port is implanted entirely under the skin. Due to this procedure, a small bump is highlighted on the chest. This bump is numbed by putting cream on it during the surgery. The chemotherapy medicine is delivered by injecting a special needle into the rubber seal of the catheter through the skin. The chemo port can be removed easily by the doctor. It is a painless procedure. The removal of the port depends on the type of line used.
A: A chemo port is a surgical procedure where a device is implanted under the skin of a patient. This device allows the doctor to access the patient’s bloodstream. The port is made of plastic or metal. In this procedure, this device is surgically inserted in the skin.
A: After the surgery is complete, some common guidelines are followed. You should expect the below-given protocol post-surgery:
A: Chemotherapy port is a choice based operation. According to a study, if the chemo port is inserted at least 8 days before the chemotherapy, maximum benefits can be attained. Some conditions under which this procedure is suggested are given below:
A: A chemo port is a small procedure. But some guidelines need to be followed before the surgery. Before a chemo port surgery, your nursing team would do the following: Medical History: Your past medical history would be recorded in detail. The doctor would ask you about your symptoms and diagnosis. Blood Tests: Before a chemo port, blood tests are suggested. This is done to evaluate your blood count, levels of hemoglobin, white blood cells, blood sugar and blood clotting time. Physical examination: An overall health checkup to determine your health would take place. Medicines: You should inform your medical team about any medications you take daily. Type of chemo port: The doctor will examine your health and discuss which type of chemo port would best suit you. Fasting: You would be asked to fast (not eat or drink) at least 6 hours before the surgery. Water is excluded from this. Time: You are expected to arrive at least half an hour before the procedure. Apart from the above, the stage of cancer, the duration of cancer treatment, and more are taken into consideration.
A: Since a chemo port is a surgical procedure, it is performed at a surgical or operational theatre of a hospital. The Department of oncology along with nursing staff look after the procedure. At Credihealth, we offer you a vast pool of premium hospitals that offer this surgery. You can choose from our list of hospitals for the chemo port cost in Delhi.
A: A surgical oncologist is the ‘go-to’ doctor for a chemo port surgery. Chemo port is directly linked with chemotherapy. It is a treatment method for cancer, that uses drugs to kill cancerous cells. Chemotherapy is done under a medical oncologist. A surgical oncologist will work with the medical oncologist to perform this procedure.
A: In this procedure, doctors use surgical techniques to implant a device under the skin of patients. The primary objective of this procedure is to deliver chemotherapy medicines directly, through this device. This procedure provides vascular access for intravenous (IV) therapies.