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নতুন দিল্লি এ কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি মূল্য

থেকে শুরু করে: Rs. 51,168
●   পদ্ধতির ধরণ:  Surgical Procedure
●   কার্য:  To treat the problem of sinusitis
●   সাধারণ নামগুলি:  Endoscopy, Balloon Sinuplasty
●   পদ্ধতির সময়কাল: 2 - 4 hours
●   হাসপাতালের দিনগুলি : 0 - 1 Day
●   অ্যানেসথেটিক ধরণ: General

নতুন দিল্লি এ কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি এর খরচ আনুমান করুন

প্রথম নাম *

নামের শেষাংশ *

যোগাযোগ নম্বর *

ইমেইল আইডি *

শ্রেষ্ঠ ডাক্তারদের জন্য কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি অনুসন্ধান করুন নতুন দিল্লি শহরে

এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি

সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

37 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি, DNB - ENT

সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

29 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর, 1 পুরস্কার


এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি

পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

21 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর, 0 পুরস্কার


এমবিবিএস, এমএস - এন্ট, ডিএনবি - শিশু বিশেষজ্ঞ

পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

26 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি, এফআরসিএস

সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

29 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


নতুন দিল্লি এ কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি এর গড় মূল্য কত?

এ কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 51,168 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in নতুন দিল্লি may range from Rs. 51,168 to Rs. 1,02,336.

সচ্চারিত প্রশ্ন

Q: How is Sinus surgery performed? up arrow

A: The procedure depends upon the type of surgery advised by the doctor. The common procedures are Endoscopy and Balloon Sinuplasty. The details of each procedure are given below:

  • Endoscopy: This is a very common procedure to treat sinuses. In this case, the doctor guides a small instrument through your nasal cavity that transmits images back to a screen. This way the doctor gets to know the location of polyps or tissue growth. With the insertion of another piece of equipment, the doctor gets rid of the unwanted outgrowth.
  • Balloon Sinuplasty: This a relatively newer type of surgery where the patient doesn't require any removal from sinuses. A thin tube is inserted into the nasal passage with a small balloon-like aperture at the end of it. This balloon is inflated at the site of obstruction and space is cleared for better passage of air.

Q: What is the post-procedure of Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: You may expect nasal stuffiness and crusting post-surgery for 3-6 weeks. Although, after the procedure is completed, you are required to follow the steps below so that you recover completely:

  • In the first few days following surgery, you are required to change the bandage gauze under your nose, if needed. Discontinue if the discharge stops.
  • To keep the pressure off your head sleep with a slightly higher elevation to your head.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dry mouth
  • Use mild painkillers as recommended by your doctor along with any other medication that might be recommended by the doctor.
  • If nasal bleeding occurs, an ice pack can be applied to the cheeks and nose. Do not snort the blood through your nose.
  • Use saline water rinses after 1-2 days of your surgery.
  • Nasal steroids might be recommended by your doctor
  • Follow-up visits to the doctor might be required to clear out blood and mucus.
  • Persistent inflammation and or scar tissue would be removed by applying topical anesthetic sprayed into your nose.
Some general instructions can be used as a guideline for the period after surgery. This could vary from patient to patient and you must discuss this with your doctor
  • Cough/Sneeze with your mouth open
  • Don't blow your nose in the first-week post-surgery
  • Avoid hot/spicy food
  • Don't drink through a straw

Q: When is Sinus surgery required? up arrow

A: When the sinus pain is severe enough to be interfering with your quality of life and has not reduced even after pain medications or other over-the-counter medicines, your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery. The doctor may advise CT Scan tests, which would help him understand what could be the underlying cause. If the doctor suspects deviated septums or small growths called polyps interfering with your normal sense of being, he might suggest sinus surgery.

Q: Why is sinus surgery done? up arrow

A: Your doctor would advise you to undergo the procedure if pain and congestion in sinuses don't subside with the use of topical nasal steroids or saline sprays or other over-the-counter medicines. After the surgery, you might:

  • Feel no/reduced pain in your sinuses
  • Feel no congestion in your nasal passage
  • Reduced/no fever
  • Restore your sense of smell and taste
If you are suffering from sinus pain and want to experience these positive symptoms, you can inquire about sinus surgery cost in Delhi or book an appointment with a doctor through Credihealth.

Q: What are the Risks and Complications of Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: Sinus surgery is, in most cases, a safe medical procedure, if performed by qualified experts. However, as with any surgery, there are several risks involved. The following is a set of complications that may be caused due to this procedure :

  • Injury to the passageway
  • Infection
  • Serious problems like complications involving the eye and brain (rare)
You must speak to your doctor about the possible risks and complications of this procedure. You must also discuss to what extent can this surgery reduce your congestion and pain. For more information on sinus surgery cost in Delhi, contact Credihealth Medical Experts at 8010-994-994.

Q: What happens during Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: In the procedure of sinus surgery, an ENT surgeon may remove tissue outgrowths to clear the nasal passageway for efficient breathing and to reduce congestion. There are different types of Sinus surgeries, some of them are given as under :

  • Endoscopy: It is the most common procedure for surgery in cases of chronic sinusitis. A camera lens is inserted by the surgeon into the nasal passage to get a picture of the site where abnormal tissue outgrowths or polyps or inflammation has occurred. This camera lens transmits the image back to a screen. After this, the doctor would guide other equipment to the site for removal of polyps, scar tissue, etc.
  • Balloon Sinuplasty: This is a relatively new surgical procedure for Sinus treatment in which a thin tube is inserted into the nasal passageway, with a small balloon attached to one end. The doctor then guides the balloon to the affected area and inflates it. This helps clear the passageway so the sinuses can drain better and would help relieve congestion.

Q: What is Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: Sinus surgery is a surgical procedure that a sinusitis stricken patient undergoes. Sinusitis is an infection that causes sinuses to swell, which is why the patient suffers from discomfort and congestion in his/her nasal passage.

Q: What is the indication of the Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: Your doctor may advise you surgery if you are suffering from one or more of the following issues:

  • Blockage of mucus passageways of sinuses
  • Pain in and around sinuses that would not subside by over-the-counter medicines
  • Septum deviation that obstructs normal breathing
  • Nasal polyps which interfere with the nasal passages
  • Tumors and tissue growth blocking the nose
  • Inflammation in mucous membranes
  • Sinusitis
The doctor would prescribe a series of CT Scans and other diagnostic scans to understand the underlying cause and depending on the cause will plan the surgery to be undertaken. If you have similar signs, check the sinus surgery cost in Delhi today and consult with the best doctor.

Q: What is the pre-procedure of Sinus Surgery? up arrow

A: If you have been recommended to undergo Sinus surgery, the following steps should be followed to ensure you are well prepared for your surgery.

  • Medications: Discuss all your medications with your doctor as some medications may need to be stopped days before the procedure.
  • Smoking: You would be required to stop alcohol as well as smoking 3 weeks before the procedure as it might otherwise interfere with the surgical procedure and the natural course of recovery post-surgery.
Other Guidelines:
  • You need to purchase a nasal rinsing kit that would be required after surgery
  • Arrange for a cab ride back home after surgery

Q: Where is Sinus surgery done? up arrow

A: The procedure is performed in well-equipped operation theatres at hospitals or clinics having skilled surgeons and well-trained staff on their panel. At Credihealth, we offer you a vast pool of hospitals with state-of-the-art Operation theatres and observation units for postoperative monitoring. You can choose the suitable cost of sinus surgery in Delhi from our list.

Q: Who performs Sinus surgery? up arrow

A: Sinus surgery would be performed by an Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) surgeon, a specialized doctor who deals with surgeries related to the ears, nose, and throat. A team of experts including specialized surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists, and well-trained nurses would be handling your surgery. After the surgery, the doctor might recommend follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery.

নতুন দিল্লি
কার্যকরী এন্ডোস্কোপিক সাইনাস সার্জারি মূল্য