এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট, FIAGES
এইচওডি এবং পরামর্শদাতা - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস সার্জারি, ব্যারিট্রিক এবং বিপাকীয় সার্জারি এবং গ্যাস্ট্রোইনটেস্টাইনাল সার্জারি
36 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - জেনারেল সার্জারি, সহকারিতা
পরিচালক এবং এইচওডি - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস, ব্যারিট্রিক এবং জিআই সার্জারি
36 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর, 6 পুরস্কার
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, DNB - জেনারেল সার্জারি, Famsa
পরামর্শদাতা - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস এবং ব্যারিট্রিক সার্জারি
15 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - সাধারণ অস্ত্রোপচার, ফেলোশিপ - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস সার্জারি
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক, ব্যারিয়াট্রিক এবং সাধারণ সার্জারি
19 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট, ডিএনবি
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - সাধারণ এবং ব্যারিট্রিক সার্জারি
31 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এ গ্যাস্ট্রিক বাইপাস সার্জারি এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 2,57,520 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery in নতুন দিল্লি may range from Rs. 2,57,520 to Rs. 3,43,360.
A: In a gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon cuts the stomach by dividing it into a small upper section and a large bottom section with the help of staples. After this division, the second and the last step is the bypass step in which the surgeon connects a small portion of the small intestine to a small hole in the patient’s pouch. In the open surgery method, the surgeon makes a large surgical incision to open the belly and then bypass is done to work on the patient’s stomach, small intestine and other related organs. In the minimally invasive procedure, i.e. laparoscopic a tiny camera is inserted and placed in his belly, which allows the surgeon to look inside his stomach. In this method, a few small incisions are made to insert a camera through one and surgical tools through others. Gastric bypass surgery cost in Delhi is not too high, as many hospitals provide these surgeries.
A: A gastric bypass or any other weight loss surgery poses some potential health risks, which are stated below-
A: There are four types of bariatric surgery, and a patient is suggested one depending on his overall health, BMI and other weight-related health issues. Following are the common gastric surgeries performed -
A: Gastric bypass is a surgical procedure where a patient is made to lose body weight through bypass surgery. Through this surgery, changes are made in the digestive system by limiting how much the patient can eat or by reducing the absorption of nutrients, or both. In this surgery, changes are made in the stomach and small intestine by making it smaller, which makes a person feel full with even with less quantity of food. There are many types of gastric surgery or weight loss surgeries, which are collectively known as Bariatric surgery.
A: After the surgery is over, the patient is brought to a recovery room under the observation of the medical staff and nurses where the patient is made to stay until the anesthesia wears off completely. Post that, the patient is transferred to a normal room for about 1 to 4 days depending on their recovery. It should be noted that post the surgery, the patient is not allowed to eat for one to two days to let the stomach and digestive system heal completely. After one to two days, the patient will be given a specific diet which has to follow strictly for about 12 weeks. The diet initially starts with liquids only, then progresses to ground-up or soft foods and then lastly to regular foods. The patient will have restrictions on what and how much to eat or drink. The patient will be made to wear special stockings on legs to prevent the formation of blood clots. The patient will also be asked to take specific medicines to prevent blood clots. Through an IV i.e. a catheter that goes into the vein, the patient will be given pain killers to overcome the surgical pain. Many hospitals have state-of-the-art facilities and provide Gastric bypass surgery cost in Delhi with unmated treatment and ancillary services.
A: Before the surgery, the doctor will ask the patient to stop the intake of medicines that make it hard for the blood to clot, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin, and similar other medicines. The doctors will instruct to strictly stop the intake of any kind of food or drink a night before the surgery. Patients should keep in mind to keep at least 6 to 12 hours of gap between the last meal and the surgery. If the patient has to take any medicine, then it must be consumed only with a sip of water. On the day of the surgery, in the morning the nurses will monitor the patient's blood pressure, sugar level, and other checks up necessary like a few blood tests. Then, a sedative will be given to the patient to clear his stomach completely before the surgery. When the patient is ready for the surgery, he will be given general anesthesia so that he remains unconscious and unaware during the surgery.
A: Gastric surgery is suggested by doctors to a person if his body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher i.e. an extreme case of obesity or when his BMI is between 35 to 39.9 but the patient faces serious weight-related health problem as stated above. In some cases, doctors can suggest gastric surgery even if the BMI ranges between 30 to 34 and the person has serious weight-related health problems.
A: A gastric bypass surgery can be performed only at an Operation Theatre of a multispecialty hospital, which is equipped with modern equipment and all the necessary surgical tools required performing any weight loss surgery.
A: A bariatric surgeon usually performs the gastric bypass or bariatric surgery and is specialized in performing weight loss surgeries. A surgeon who have knowledge and experience in stomach surgeries can also perform such surgeries.
A: Gastric surgery or any other weight loss surgery is done when diet and physical exercise stops showing its effects on the patient's body or a patient face serious health problems because of the weight. Gastric surgery is the last option left to surgically make a person lose his weight to save him from life-threatening weight-related health problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and heart stroke. Detail about gastric bypass surgery cost in Delhi is easily available over the internet along with other necessary information.
A: Gastric surgery is suggested by doctors to a person if-