এমবিবিএস, ডিপ্লোমা - অ্যানাস্থেসিওলজি, DNB - সার্জারি
অনারারি পরামর্শদাতা - এন্ডোভাসকুলার সার্জারি
27 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
রক্তনালীর শল্যচিকিৎসা
এমবিবিএস, এমএস (অস্ত্রোপচার)
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - সাধারণ এবং ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক সার্জারি
42 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
ল্যাপারোস্কোপিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, এমএস - সাধারণ অস্ত্রোপচার, ফেলোশিপ
পরামর্শদাতা - সাধারণ এবং জিআই সার্জারি
16 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোন্টারোলজি
এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট, FIAGES
এইচওডি এবং পরামর্শদাতা - ন্যূনতম অ্যাক্সেস সার্জারি, ব্যারিট্রিক এবং বিপাকীয় সার্জারি এবং গ্যাস্ট্রোইনটেস্টাইনাল সার্জারি
36 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
বারিয়াট্রিক সার্জারি
এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট
সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা এবং এইচওডি - সাধারণ সার্জারি
46 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,
সাধারণ শল্য চিকিৎসা
এ খুলুন খুলুন এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 42,750 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Open Cholecystectomy in নতুন দিল্লি may range from Rs. 42,750 to Rs. 1,85,680.
A: Surgical Gastroenterologists who specialize in dealing with the digestive system of the body, can perform this surgery. A General Surgeon trained in Laparoscopy can also perform this surgery. For the surgery, a doctor is accompanied by his specialized team of nurses and practitioners to assist him during the surgery. Before booking an appointment, it will be better to ascertain relevant information of a gallbladder surgery cost in Delhi and surgeon you are willing to be treated from.
A: There are two ways in which a Cholecystectomy is performed, which are:
A: During a cholecystectomy, the patient is given an anesthesia drugs injection through a vein in his arms so that he is not awake during the surgery. Then the health care team will insert a tube down the patient’s throat which would help him breathe. Now the surgeon will start performing the surgery using either a laparoscopic or open procedure, which is explained below:
A: Gallbladder Surgery or a cholecystectomy (the term for surgery) is a surgical procedure to remove a pear-shaped organ known as the gallbladder. This organ lies just below the liver in the upper right hand side of the abdomen. A digestive fluid produced in the liver called bile, which helps to digest the food, gets collected and stored in this organ.
A: It is performed if the gallstone is untreatable by medications and the person is unable to bear the pain caused by it. Till the time gallstones are not causing any symptoms it can be left untreated. But, if it acts as a blockage for one of the bile ducts then the only option the doctors are left with is a surgery to remove the gallstones. If the gallstones are left untreated, it can lead to some serious problems like:
A: If your doctor has recommended surgery as the only option of removing the gallstones then you must follow the below mentioned pre-procedure guidelines without fail.
A: Once you are taken to the recovery area, the anesthetic drug would fade off and then the patient will be taken to a room to continue recovery. Recovery varies with the surgery procedure opted for, which is explained below:
A: A cholecystectomy has a small risk of complications associated with it, which includes -
A: This procedure is required if the gallstone goes into, or blocks one of your bile ducts. This blockage is called a “gallbladder attack” in medical terms. Such an attack causes intense, knife-like pain in the belly that may last for several hours. The surgery is a common and simple one, which has a negligible risk of complications. In most cases, the patient is allowed to go home the next day of the surgery. A doctor recommends this operation if a person has:
A: For this procedure, a patient must visit a multispeciality hospital which has several testing labs as well as operation theatre. It is recommended to visit a multispeciality hospital as before performing surgery the doctor would conduct several tests such as a Blood Test, Abdominal X-ray, Ultrasound, CT scan and Endoscopic Ultrasound, to see the effects of the gallstones on your health and also to check whether the patient is 100% fit and ready to undergo a surgery or not.
A: This surgery is commonly performed to treat gallstones and its related complications. A cholecystectomy becomes necessary to perform if a person experiences pain from gallstones that block the free flow of bile. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of rice or as big as a golf ball. Since these stones do not dissolve by themselves with time, they start hurting or cause other symptoms in the human body. In such a situation, upon consultation and examination, the doctor decides to remove the whole organ by performing cholecystectomy. About 80% of people who have gallstones in this bladder require a surgery to remove it.