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ভারত এ Tympanoplasty মূল্য

থেকে শুরু করে: Rs. 33,000
●   পদ্ধতির ধরণ:  Surgical
●   কার্য:  repair a hole in the eardrum
●   সাধারণ নামগুলি:  eardrum repair
●   ব্যথা প্রমাণ:  less painful
●   পদ্ধতির সময়কাল: 30 - 60 minutes
●   হাসপাতালের দিনগুলি : 0 - 1 Day
●   অ্যানেসথেটিক ধরণ: Local

Tympanoplasty is a surgery performed by the ear surgeon to repair a hole in the eardrum. This surgery aims to close the perforation and improve hearing. Tympanoplasty comes under Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) field of medicine, which deals with ear, nose and throat related disorders. 

This is an effective and safe procedure which is beneficial for eradicating, restore hearing and middle function of the ear. Different surgical procedures and grafting techniques are used by the surgeon for effective results. 

Credihealth, India's leading online healthcare portal, offers the most exhaustive list of information rel...


ভারত এ Tympanoplasty এর খরচ আনুমান করুন

প্রথম নাম *

নামের শেষাংশ *

যোগাযোগ নম্বর *

ইমেইল আইডি *

শ্রেষ্ঠ ডাক্তারদের জন্য Tympanoplasty অনুসন্ধান করুন ভারত শহরে

এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি, MCh - হেড এবং নেক সার্জারি

পরামর্শদাতা - সার্জিকাল অনকোলজি

17 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,

হেড এবং নেক সার্জারি

Nbrbsh, এমএস - ইএনটি

পরিদর্শন পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

14 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট

পরামর্শদাতা- ent

34 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


এমবিবিএস, মাইক্রোসফট

পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

15 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


এমবিবিএস, এমএস - ইএনটি

সিনিয়র পরামর্শদাতা - এনটি

37 অভিজ্ঞতা বছর,


Need answers for your medical queries? Looking for information regarding Tympanoplasty test cost in India? Credihealth, an online health portal, is here to assist you. Our services give you access to verified information and let you choose from our list of hospitals, doctors, OPD schedules, to meet your needs. You can also get discounts and exclusive offers on Tympanoplasty cost in India by booking an appointment online.

ভারত এ Tympanoplasty এর গড় মূল্য কত?

এ Tympanoplasty এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 33,000 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Tympanoplasty in ভারত may range from Rs. 33,000 to Rs. 66,000.

সচ্চারিত প্রশ্ন

Q: How many days does it take to receive tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: Tympanoplasty surgery is a short surgery that may require nearly 30 minutes to 2 hours in the hospital.

Q: How many days does it take to recover from tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: Tympanoplasty surgery is a small surgery of the ears that may require you at least one to three months in recovery from the surgery.

Q: Is there any pain that appears because of tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: The pain is mild and may create discomfort for at least the first 24 hours of the surgery.

Q: What factors hamper the tympanoplasty surgery cost in India? up arrow

A: The surgery cost may vary from clinic to clinic. If you are looking to have surgery in India, the cost is much more affordable than in other western countries like Australia and Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of having tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: The purpose of tympanoplasty surgery is to close the hole in the eardrum in order to improve hearing and prevent the entry of water into the eardrum.

Q: What is the range of tympanoplasty surgery costs in India? up arrow

A: The range of tympanoplasty surgery cost in India is somewhere between INR 30,000 to INR 60,000.

Q: What is the success rate of tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: There are around 90% chances that you may succeed with the surgery plus at least two hours of the surgery and at least 2-3 months of recovery.

Q: What is tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: It is the surgery of ears that is done either through the ear canal or through an incision at the back of the ear.

Q: Who needs tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: A tympanoplasty surgery is done to prevent ear infections, accidental injuries, or any other kind of disease related to eardrums that may have caused the destruction of the in-ear tube or eardrum. It is generally required for children, but in certain severe cases, it can also be performed for adults.

Q: Do I need to acquire anesthesia during tympanoplasty surgery? up arrow

A: Yes, you will be given general anesthesia and it will take nearly two hours after which you will be sent home, once the procedure is completed.

Tympanoplasty মূল্য