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নাসিক এ Aortic Valve Replacement মূল্য

থেকে শুরু করে: Rs. 1,50,000
●   পদ্ধতির ধরণ:  Surgical
●   কার্য:  aortic valve leaks and blood flows
●   সাধারণ নামগুলি:  Valve replacement surgery
●   পদ্ধতির সময়কাল: 4 - 6 Hours
●   হাসপাতালের দিনগুলি : 3 - 7 Days
●   অ্যানেসথেটিক ধরণ: Local

Heart surgeons in Nashik may perform aortic heart valve surgery to treat bicuspid valves, other congenital aortic valve disorders, stenosis, and regurgitation. To relieve discomfort during Aortic heart valve replacement surgery, the heart doctor may give a general anesthetic. Furthermore, the surgeon will replace the defective heart valve with a healthy donor's valve. The Aortic valve replacement cost in Nashik may depend on several aspects, including the surgeon's Expertise, pre-treatment, and post-treatment. At credihealth, you can find a top cardiac surgeon in Nashik for any cardiac treatment as soon as possible.

নাসিক এ Aortic Valve Replacement এর খরচ আনুমান করুন

প্রথম নাম *

নামের শেষাংশ *

যোগাযোগ নম্বর *

ইমেইল আইডি *

Aortic Valve Replacement খরচ প্রতিষ্ঠিত হ

নাসিক এ Aortic Valve Replacement এর গড় মূল্য কত?

এ Aortic Valve Replacement এর মূল্য শুরু হয় Rs. 1,50,000 থেকে, যা একাধিক ফ্যাক্টরের উপর নির্ভর করে। The average cost of Aortic Valve Replacement in নাসিক may range from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 3,00,000.

সচ্চারিত প্রশ্ন

Q: Does the valve replacement surgery cause any side effects? up arrow

A: Internal bleeding, infection, and swelling are some of the side effects.

Q: How many days a patient has to be admitted? up arrow

A: A patient may have to stay 6 to 7 days in the hospital until recovers.

Q: How to estimate the cost of the valve replacement in Nasik? up arrow

A: Credihealth helps you to get the exact estimation of treatment. You can call on +91 8010-994-994 and book an online consultation.

Q: What to expect after the procedure? up arrow

A: The stitches might cause pain for a few days and the doctor will suggest resting for a few weeks.

Q: What to expect during the valve replacement surgery? up arrow

A: The doctor will replace the diseased valve with a healthy one.

Aortic Valve Replacement মূল্য