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    What is the perfect diet plan for weight loss without exercising?

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    • +1 people answered
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    Member since 27 January 201721 December 2017 at 16:20

    You can lose fat without exercising, what you need to do is to control what you eat.

    Here are 10 more tips to lose weight  faster:

    • Eat a high-protein breakfast
    • Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice
    • Drink water a half hour before meals
    • Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list)
    • Eat soluble fiber
    • Drink coffee or tea
    • Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods
    • Eat your food slowly

    • 2

    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201813 May 2018 at 15:38

    Take high fiber low fat diet followed by detox diet. 

    • 1

    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201808 February 2018 at 19:19

    You need to take high fiber low fat diet followed by detox diet. Drink lot of water everyday. Take small and frequent meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hrs. Avoid outside food completely. Ask me directly for customized diet plan for you. You can consult with me on my what's up no. 9757149915 

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    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201811 May 2018 at 11:00

    Take high fiber low fat diet followed by detox diet. Drink lot of water everyday. Take small and frequent meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hrs. Avoid outside food completely. Ask me directly for customized diet plan for you. you can consult with me on my what's up no. 9757149915 

    • 0
    Member since 15 December 201815 December 2018 at 03:35

    Have more sex

    Less salt,oil and sugar

    Positive thoughts

    Stress free life


    • 0
    Member since 27 December 201717 July 2018 at 15:19

    Thanks for A2A. Let me check and get back to you.