Digital Doctor by Birth20 January 2018 at 10:26

The portal vein is responsible for transports cholesterol in chylomicrons from the intestine to the liver. Chylomicrons are tiny balls that enclose fatty particles like cholesterol. The hepatic portal....

Digital Doctor by Birth20 January 2018 at 10:20

It depends on the country. Overdiagnosis relates to the finding of a cancer that doesn’t act in a life-limiting way. Since the beginning of mammography and PSA eras we have diagnosed a lot of such dis....

Digital Doctor by Birth20 January 2018 at 10:18

Surgery is only the first step towards fuller and more beautiful breasts. Following your breast enhancement surgery, the recovery period is a crucial time during which your body heals and your new bre....

Cancer Care

Digital Doctor by Birth20 January 2018 at 10:25

First of all, breast cancer isn't a death sentence: overall, about 60% of women survive breast cancer, and go on to live long and healthy lives. The percentage can be as high as 99%, depending on the ....