Dr. Amitabha Ghosh is an Internal Medicine Specialist, practicing at Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon. He holds the degrees of MBBS and DNB (General Medicine). His area of specialization includes Diabetes Management, Managing Medical Emergencies, and Rheumatology. Within a short span of time, he has achieved significant expertise in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of various adult diseases & disorders. His sincere efforts in patient care and healthy life style advocacy have benefited many patients. He has authored several papers and articles. He also holds key memberships in various medical professional bodies of the country. He takes keen interest in attending conferences and meetings on subjects of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Amitabha Ghosh is an Internal Medicine Specialist, practicing at Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon. He holds the degrees of MBBS and DNB (General Medicine). His area of specialization includes Diabetes Management, Managing Medical Emergencies, and Rheumatology. Wit...