Dr. Arun Kr Gupta is a well-known Pediatrician. He is currently practicing as a Consultant Pediatrician. He has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics. His special interest includes Measles Treatment, Child Growth Management, Viral Fever, Vaccination, Asthma and Nutrition in Children.
Dr. Arun Kr Gupta completed MBBS from A.P. Singh University Rewa in 1988 followed by MD in Pediatrics from A.P. Singh University Rewa in 1991. He is a registered member of Delhi Medical Council. While treating his patients, he ensures that his patients are satisfied with his treatment and brings positive outcomes.
Dr. Arun Kr Gupta is a well-known Pediatrician. He is currently practicing as a Consultant Pediatrician. He has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics. His special interest includes Measles Treatment, Child Growth Management, Viral Fever, Vaccinat...