Dr Anil Dhall, recipient of the prestigious Sena Medal, is a reputed Cardiologist in Delhi. Currently, he is the serving as Director of Interventional Cardiology. Prior to joining the Venakteshwara Hospital in Delhi, he served the Indian Armed Forces for more than 25 years and worked at top hospitals in Delhi NCR.
With a MBBS degree from AFMC in Pune, MD in Medicine from INHS Asyini Mumbai, and DM in Cardiology from the GB Pant Hospital in New Delhi and more than 3o years of rich experience, he has been one of the most trusted cardiologist. Bestowed with the fellowships of American College of Cardiology (FACC), European Society of Cardiology (FESC), Society for Cardiovascular Angiography (FSCAI), and Cardiological Society of India (FCSI) he has a vast experience spanning over three & half decades.
Clinically & academically accomplished, Dr Anil Dhall has a special interest in Complex Coronary & Acute MI Interventions, Peripheral Interventions, Carotid Angioplasty, Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair, Device Closure for Congenital Heart Defects, and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. In his illustrious career, Dr Anil Dhall has received many awards & recognitions, including the Chief of Army Staff Commendation Card in the year 2006, General Officer Commanding in Chief (Southern Command) Commendation Card in 2000, General Officer Commanding in Chief (Northern Command) Commendation Card in 1985, Challenging Cases Award TCT in 2006, and more. His presentation at the TCT Asia-Pacific 2004 on ‘Closure of Giant Coronary Artery Fistula using a Vascular Plug: A New Approach’ was awarded the Best Case. A committed doctor, he has the credit of organizing the First National Course on Cardiac Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology in 2008. Course Director of the ‘Basics & Beyond Coronary Intervention Course’ organized by the Army Hospital (R&R) & AIIMS in 2005, Dr Anil Dhall has immense knowledge in his area of specialization and he has provided guidance to several junior surgeons. With over 150 articles in various scientific journals, Dr Anil Dhall is a well-read cardiologist, who has also contributed chapters to many professional cardiology books for postgraduate education published worldwide.
Dr Anil Dhall, recipient of the prestigious Sena Medal, is a reputed Cardiologist in Delhi. Currently, he is the serving as Director of Interventional Cardiology. Prior to joining the Venakteshwara Hospital in Delhi, he served the Indian Armed Forces for more than 25...