Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori is a renowned Radiation Oncologist in Gurgaon and currently practices at We Are Working On It, Gurgaon. For the past 48 years, Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori has worked as a Radiation Therapy Doctors and gained proficient skills and knowledge in the segments.Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori pursued degree of MBBS from Kurnool Medical College, Andhra Pradesh in 1973, MD from Osmania University, India in 1976, FACR from in and Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori is a well-known member of the New York Cancer Society, Society of Surgical Oncology and Radiological Society of North America. He has been rewarded with various awards including “Tribute to Life” Award, “Most Distinguished Physician Award” and “Excelsior Award”.