A widely popular consultant, Dr. Deepak P Kumar has more than 10 years of experience in Radiation Oncology. Currently, he is working with Reliance Hospitals Navi Mumbai at the Department of Radiation Oncology. While he practices as a clinical specialist, he is also very keen on the medical literature of the field.
Dr. Deepak P Kumar has several publications credited to his name. A graduate (MBBS) from NDMVPS Medical College, he holds an MD (Radiation Oncology) from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He has also offered his services at Tata Memorial Hospital, Fortis Hospital, and Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital.
Dr. Deepak P Kumar has undergone rigorous training in this specialty. His domains of interest include Chemo-radiation protocols, high precision radiotherapy techniques and adaptive Radiotherapy and Gating for thoracic and GI malignancies Brachytherapy. Another feat includes his selection for Young Scientist's Award Session at the Second ESTRO forum in April 2013, Geneva.
A widely popular consultant, Dr. Deepak P Kumar has more than 10 years of experience in Radiation Oncology. Currently, he is working with Reliance Hospitals Navi Mumbai at the Department of Radiation Oncology. While he practices as a clinical specialist, he is also v...