Dr. Elankumaran P is a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Bangalore. He is also the Medical Director at Navashakthi Nethralaya, where he has been practicing since 2004. In addition, he is also Dr. Elankumaran has successfully pursued his MD from the Dr. RP Ophthalmic Centre at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), After completing his MD in 2001, he continued at the RP Centre as Senior Resident until November 2003, at which point he joined the Shraddha Eye Bank as a Consultant in Cornea.
Dr. Elankumaran has an extensive experience in operative procedures such as topical phaconit, topical phacoemulsification + IOL, ECCE + IOL, SICS, corneal transplant, refractive laser & non-laser surgeries, glaucoma surgeries, squint surgeries, DCR, lid surgeries and retinal detachment surgery. He also routinely performs LASIK, PRK, anterior segment lasers and Posterior segment lasers procedures.
Dr. Elankumaran has publications in peer-reviewed journals and various presentations in national & international fora to his credit.
Dr. Elankumaran P is a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Bangalore. He is also the Medical Director at Navashakthi Nethralaya, where he has been practicing since 2004. In addition, he is also Dr. Elankumaran has successfully pursued his MD from the Dr. RP Ophthalmic...