Dr. Manish A Balde is a Pediatrician. He has more than 11 years of experience in her medical field. She is an expert at managing cases related to several allergies, multiple sclerosis, influenza, chicken pox, pneumonia, acid reflux, immunodeficiency, and pneumonia.
Dr. Manish A Balde completed his medical graduate and MD in Pediatrics from Gajra Raja Medical College, Madhya Pradesh, and Diploma in Child Health from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Mumbai followed by fellowship in Neonatology of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
Dr. Manish A Balde is a Pediatrician. He has more than 11 years of experience in her medical field. She is an expert at managing cases related to several allergies, multiple sclerosis, influenza, chicken pox, pneumonia, acid reflux, immunodeficiency, and pneumonia. ...