A Consultant at the department of Ophthalmology in Fortis Malar Hospital, Dr. Radhi Malar Anand has several years of rich professional experience in this field. Her area of expertise lies in Pediatric Ophthalmology along with surgeries for the treatment of Squint, Cataracts and Refractive Surgeries. In 2012, Dr. Radhimalar Anand had special training in Orthoptics and Low Vision aids at Sankara Netralaya. Dr. Radhimalar Anand has published several papers in India and abroad and is a member of prestigious medical associations.
A Consultant at the department of Ophthalmology in Fortis Malar Hospital, Dr. Radhi Malar Anand has several years of rich professional experience in this field. Her area of expertise lies in Pediatric Ophthalmology along with surgeries for the treatment of Squint, Ca...