Dr. Rakesh Kumar is a well known and one of the most talented medical professional in India. Dr. Rakesh Kumar has a degree in MBBS, MD, DM (Medical Gastroenterology). He specializes in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology including routine endoscopy, portal pressure study and transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB) Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy. He is excellent in Biliary and Pancreatic endoscopic procedures (e.g. ERCP, Metal Stenting, Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, Endoscopic Pseudocyst drainage etc.). He is a qualified specialist who does Endoscopic therapy of GI bleeding including band ligation and glue injection for variceal bleeding. His special interest lies in treatment of Endoscopic treatment of Gastric Outlet Obstruction due to peptic Ulcer and Corrosive and other GI strictures (malignant and benign), Endoscopic closure of GI Fistula and perforation and Chronic hepatitis B and C. Dr. Rakesh Kumar has joined Asian institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) in 2011. Prior to which he was an Associate Professor in Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences & GB Pant Hospital, Delhi for 2 years. He was also an assistant Professor of Medical Gastroenterology in Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre for 2 years. He completed his post DM senior residency with GB Pant Hospital in Delhi where he also stayed as a research associate. Dr. Rakesh Kumar is a respectable figure in the medical fraternity and he focuses on treating Gastrointestinal, Liver and Pancreatico Biliary diseases with expert treatment and care.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar is a well known and one of the most talented medical professional in India. Dr. Rakesh Kumar has a degree in MBBS, MD, DM (Medical Gastroenterology). He specializes in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology including routine endoscopy, portal press...