Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda is a skilled Internal Medicine Specialist. He has over 4 years of experience in his field of specialization. His area of expertise lies in Internal Medicine, Cardio-Metabolic Disease, Infectious Disease and Medical Teaching & Medical Research.
Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda has studied MBBS followed by MD in Medicine. Further, he has completed his M.Sc. degree from Canada. Afterward, he has undertaken a fellowship program from the American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Physicians, Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda was awarded ‘Best Doctor’ from Delhi Medical Association, ‘Best Outgoing Graduate’ during his MBBS from Andhra Medical College in 1974 and ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ from LIMRA, Chennai.
Dr. Sarma VSN Rachakonda is a skilled Internal Medicine Specialist. He has over 4 years of experience in his field of specialization. His area of expertise lies in Internal Medicine, Cardio-Metabolic Disease, Infectious Disease and Medical Teaching & Medical Rese...