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डॉ. Carlton Pereira

Consultant - ENT Surgery

10 वर्षों का अनुभव ईंट विशेषज्ञ

डॉ. Carlton Pereira मुंबई में एक प्रसिद्ध ईंट विशेषज्ञ हैं और वर्तमान में सूर्या के अस्पताल, मुंबई में अभ्यास करते हैं। पिछले 10 वर्षों से, डॉ. Carlton Pereira ने एक डॉक्टरों को दर्ज करें के रूप में काम किया है और क्षेत्र में कुशल कौशल और ज्ञान प्राप्त किया है।डॉ. Ca...
अधिक पढ़ें
हम इस समय डॉ. Carlton Pereira के लिए अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं।

रिव्यूज डॉ. Carlton Pereira

Sneh Engineer green_tickसत्यापित


Throughout my pregnancy, I sought the advice of Dr. Amulya K G. In the early hours of our seventh month, I experienced a PROM. We got panicked and called her; she remained composed and told us to go to the hospital. Until she arrived, she made sure I received the proper attention. A wonderful human was delivered by c-section.
Vinkal green_tickसत्यापित


We began seeking advice from Dr. Amulya K. G. regarding pregnancy. My internal os was discovered to be partially closed by the HSG test she recommended, and I was advised to have a diagnostic hystero-laparoscopy. I was quite nervous about having the procedure done, but she did it without a hitch, and I recovered pretty quickly. Within two months of the operation, I got pregnant.
Anay Mahapatra green_tickसत्यापित


When we considered family planning, we began seeing Dr. Amulya K. G. The doctor recommended a few medications to aid in the process of getting pregnant. To rule out any issues there, we also had an HSG test (done on purpose). We are currently six months along.
Abbas Sarwar Malik green_tickसत्यापित


while I was pregnant When one of the scans revealed a fetus with SUA, we all went to see Dr. Amulya K G since we were concerned about the potential consequences. But she persisted in encouraging us and gave her word that we would have good outcomes. After 40 weeks, all the work was finally rewarded when we held our beautiful princess in our arms, looking healthy and fine.
Mr. Angel Sinha green_tickसत्यापित


In the sixth month of her pregnancy, my wife, who was carrying twins, began bleeding, but thanks to Dr. Amulya K. G., we were fortunate to save both of the babies. She will never recommend any unnecessary medications or surgeries and is quite sure of her diagnosis and course of therapy. Without a doubt, I'd suggest her.

अन्य जानकारी

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

Q: डॉ. Carlton Pereira का अभ्यास वर्ष क्या है?

A: डॉ. Carlton Pereira का अभ्यास वर्ष 10 वर्ष है।

Q: डॉ. Carlton Pereira की योग्यता क्या है?

A: डॉ. Carlton Pereira है।

Q: डॉ. Carlton Pereira की विशेषता क्या है?

A: डॉ. Carlton Pereira की प्राथमिक विशेषता ईएनटी है।

सूर्या के अस्पताल का पता

101-102, मंगल अशिर्वद, सांताक्रूज़ वेस्ट, मुंबई, 400054, भारत

इस पृष्ठ पर जानकारी का मूल्यांकन करें • औसत मूल्यांकन 4.43 star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating5 वोट
Carlton Pereira Ent Specialist