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डॉ. Digvijoy Sharma

Consultant - Surgical Gastroenterology

16 वर्षों का अनुभव सर्जिकल गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट

डॉ. Digvijoy Sharma गुवाहाटी में एक प्रसिद्ध सर्जिकल गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट हैं और वर्तमान में नारायण सुपरस्पेशियलिटी हॉस्पिटल, गुवाहाटी में अभ्यास करते हैं। पिछले 16 वर्षों से, डॉ. Digvijoy Sharma ने एक जठरांत्र संबंधी सर्जन के रूप में काम किया है और क्षेत्र में कुशल...
अधिक पढ़ें
डॉ. Digvijoy Sharma Appointment Timing
Saturday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Friday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Thursday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Wednesday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Tuesday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Monday10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

परामर्श शुल्क ₹ 500

रिव्यूज डॉ. Digvijoy Sharma

Syed Hamza green_tickसत्यापित


Since six years, we were having trouble getting pregnant. Because of my age and my body's weight, we had assumed that we would need two or three IVF rounds before we would be able to conceive, but the miracle occurred right after the first cycle. We were only in Dr. Ramya G. Gowda's safest and most wonderful hands when this happened.
Vani.K green_tickसत्यापित


When I got married, I naturally became pregnant, but I missed it after six weeks. I tried again after three years of marriage, but I was unable to get pregnant. after that, we met Dr. Ramya G. Gowda, and two months later, I'm pregnant.
Rita Deori green_tickसत्यापित


For the past 1.5 years, we had been trying to get pregnant but had no luck. Several medications and two IUI cycles were also tried, but they were unsuccessful. My husband's sperm count was poor, and I had low AMH levels. We eventually paid Dr. Ramya G. Gowda a visit. By God's mercy, I was able to become pregnant with twins while receiving treatment from Dr. Ramya during my very first IVF cycle.
Sheetal Hule green_tickसत्यापित


I've been married for 11 years; the first five of those years, we didn't have any plans for having children. In the subsequent six years, we tried numerous medications and IUI cycles, but they haven't been successful, so we eventually went to see Dr. Ramya G. Gowda. By God's grace, I became pregnant on my first IVF cycle alone thanks to the doctor's treatment for my low AMH level and hormonal imbalance.
Rahul green_tickसत्यापित


I consider myself fortunate to have met Dr. Ramya G. Gowda. I contacted her for help conceiving, and because to her care, I am now eight weeks pregnant. Before meeting Dr. Ramya, I had met with two other doctors, but because of her experience, client testimonies, and warmth, I felt more comfortable beginning my treatment with her.

अन्य जानकारी

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

Q: How much experience Dr. Digvijoy Sharma in Surgical Gastroenterology speciality? up arrow

A: Dr. Digvijoy Sharma has 16 years of experience in Surgical Gastroenterology speciality.

Q: डॉ। डिग्वाइजॉय शर्मा में क्या विशेषज्ञ हैं? up arrow

A: डॉ। डिग्वाइजॉय शर्मा सर्जिकल गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी में माहिर हैं।

Q: डॉ। डिग्वाइजॉय शर्मा कहाँ काम करते हैं? up arrow

A: डॉ। डिग्वाइजॉय शर्मा नारायण सुपरस्पेशियलिटी अस्पताल, गुवाहाटी में काम करते हैं।

Q: नारायण सुपरस्पेशियलिटी अस्पताल, गुवाहाटी का पता क्या है? up arrow

A: टुलरम बाफना, सिविल हॉस्पिटल कॉम्प्लेक्स, एमिंगोआन, गुवाहाटी

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नारायण सुपरस्पेशियलिटी हॉस्पिटल का पता

टुलरम बाफना, सिविल हॉस्पिटल कॉम्प्लेक्स, गुवाहाटी, 781031, भारत

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Digvijoy Sharma Surgical Gastroenterologist